The Moment of Truth in Your Lies

Start from the beginning

I didn't turn to face Vic. I couldn't stand to look at him right now. "To answer your question. No I am not still fucking Oli. But now I know the answer to mine." I turned to face him and I wish I hadn't. His face held no form of emotion. Like he didn't care. I guess old habits never die. "Vic I'm over this. I'm not going to try to be with someone who can't get over his ex. All you had to do was stay away from her. But you can't even do that. Who else are you sleeping with still?"

He thought about it for minute and I did not want to hear the answer. But he gave it anyways. "Jeremy, Hayley, Andy, Christofer, You, half of Mission Bay."

"Vic you're an asshole and I'm leaving you. You told me you wanted this. Hell you made my life hell, just because of what I did. But I would have never done this to you. You fucking cheated on me twice with the same person. Not to mention half of Mission Bay. Why is it so hard to you to be loyal in this so called fucking relationship? If you didn't want a relationship just a casual fuck then you could have said that. But no you wanted this and you keep fucking ruining it. How can I trust you when you keep doing this shit to me?"

I was hurt and that was clear. But I was also angry. Angry at Vic for doing this to me. Angry at myself for allowing myself to fall for him again. Why was I so fucking stupid. This is why I stay to myself. Because of assholes like Vic Fuentes.

"I never said that I just wanted you as a casual fuck. I wanted a actual relationship but relationships are hard when you can't break old habits, Kellin."

"That's bullshit and you know it, Victor. You don't want to stop sleeping around. You don't want this relationship. And you don't care." I was so done with this conversation. It's going know where and I need to leave now. Otherwise I will fall back into his arms from the moment he says he's sorry. But knowing Vic that probably won't happen.

"What do you want me to say. You want me to say I'm sorry? Fine. Kellin I'm sorry for not being good enough for you. I'm sorry for not being the man you always wanted me to be. I'm sorry you walk around like you do nothing wrong. I'm fucking sorry okay."

"Victor careful before you say something you don't mean." I warned him. He is not about to blame this on me. "I refuse to sit here and let you blame me for this."

"Stop acting like I'm at fault here-"

"You are fucking half of Mission Bay. You ARE at fault."

"Kellin my love for you was fucking bullet proof. You made me this way. You pulled the trigger and shot me in the only place that mattered." He was pissed but I was worse. This is not my fault.

"Fuck you Vic. You did this to yourself. You chose to be a whore and sleep with everyone. I made a mistake but newsflash we all do. But Vic before I walk out that door and never talk to you again. Tell me. Tell me that I'm wasting my time. Tell me that putting up with your bullshit isn't worth it. Tell me you fucking hate me. Because this is the last time that I'll ever talk to you. I want nothing to do with you. You make me feel exactly what you are. We've only been together for a few weeks and you couldn't even pretend to care. I've swallowed your bullshit for years. You get no respect from me, Victor Vincent Fuentes. You make me fucking sick. It's over."

"You were nothing but fun these last few weeks Kellin. I'm glad you're never talking to me again. For the second time, you ruined my life. Fuck off." He said and that's what broke me.

If I was nothing more than fun for him them why did he want to spend the summer with me. Why did he go to extremes just to make me happy.

"Fuck you Vic." And with that I left Mike's room and slammed the door behind me. I walked down stairs and told Mike that I'll call him later. He looked at me with sympathy, no doubt having heard everything that went on upstairs. But I didn't care. I just need to leave this house as fast as possible.

I got in my car and drove back home. Fuck Vic. Who does he think he is. When I pulled into my drive way I pulled out my phone and called the only person that can distract me.

"Hey Beau, it's Kellin. Can you come over for a bit. I'm bored and my parents aren't here. I really need someone to hang with."

"Yeah sure thing Kel. I'll be there shortly. Is it okay if I bring my cousin with me? He's kinda stuck at my house for the week?"

"Yeah sure. The more the marrier." And I hung up. Today has been shit. And if I never have to see Vic again it'll be too soon.


Guess who wrote this instead of their English essay? I did. Sorry for the wait. This is almost over and it will probably have like 3 chapters left. I haven't decided on a sequel yet. But if I do it'll probably be after I finish my other story. It's a kellic of course and it's called Who Are You Now.

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