Chapter 3: The Girl Under the Floor

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Darkness greets me as I open my eyes. I could no longer feel the Judge's presence behind me. The cool damp air let me know I was underground in a cave of sorts.

I nearly stumbled at the heavy weight on my back. I peer over my shoulder...what the fuck. I have wings. Big bat-like wings. Why?

Indra's voice rang in my head reminding me to never leave my back unguarded. Shifting to the edge of the tunnel I draw my knife my eyes adjusting to the darkness surprisingly fast. Well, there's nowhere to go but forward.

I lift my tan hand to the wall. It is too dark to see the scars I know litter my hands. The scars that match the others covering my body. Cautiously I move forward with my hand along the wall to feel for vibrations.

After only a couple of minutes of walking, I hear shuffling. About six or so people from the sound of the footsteps. Likely a patrol, but what are they guarding?

I turn and back into the wall fully now. I quickly hiss as my wings brush against the stone. Great I have sensitive wings whose weight slows me down. Why did they give me wings? I switch my knife to my left hand and reach for my sword strapped to my back. I've always preferred a sword to everything else. A sword was how Lincoln first showed me how to defend myself.

"Well what do we have here fellas?" calls out a smooth voice belonging to an even smoother face. Six people come into view. I can make out their uniforms. They are definitely not human. Their faces are too smooth and they walk towards me with grace. Too much grace like that of a panther not of a human. They all have hair cropped close, though a variety of colors that highlight their pointed ears.

They spotted me too quickly for the lack of light. They must have better eyesight than humans. I don't bother answering, I just twirl my sword in my hand loosening my muscles out.

The fae who spoke before marks my weapons and laughs. He laughs. "Looks like this little girl thinks she's a fighter. Well, let's give her a show." He chuckles and gestures for one of his followers to grab me.

Only one though. I can't help the smirk that falls on my lips. The fae who is walking towards me eyebrows furrow at my smirk and breaks into a run.

I step forward from the wall and dodge his sword. He twists faster than I'm prepared for and I'm thrown into the wall. I normally would have been fine but the wings are slowing me down. I can't get my balance right. Warm liquid flows from my lips. I run my tongue across tasting the blood before turning back to him and giving him the smirk of a warrior. A look only Blodreina could give and then I charge.

The guard takes a step back likely shocked by my quick recovery and I take the moment to strike for his jugular. He anticipates the strike, twisting like I expected and running straight in my knife at his back. My hand grows warm as my knife punctures his lungs. He collapses with a strangled breath. Good to know these creatures can be injured.

I turn to see two more guards running to me. They are furious at the death of their friend. The one on the right comes charging fast with his sword held high. I duck and swing my leg out tripping the other guard. The first guard is shocked and looks down at me just as my sword enters his chest and blood splatters my face.

I wrench out my sword and dodge the attack from the guard getting off the floor. I match his blows for a little before twisting around to his back and slitting his throat. His body drops before me.

The last two guards run for me. I throw my knife and it lands with a thunk in the heart of one guard. I quickly dispatch the other with my sword. I'm not panting yet but my body is not used to fighting at this speed. I can keep up with the speed after my rigorous training with the Grounders, Diyoza, and the Disciples but everyone on Earth is much slower with only short bursts of speed. And these God-forsaken wings are dragging on the floor slowing me.

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