Chapter 2: May We Meet Again

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I've been sitting on the edge of the dropship, for a good two hours staring at the forest around me. My dark hair hot on my back and my leather jacket sitting next to me. Could I leave Hope behind? What about Indra or Clarke? The Judge gave me a day to make my decision but not without the warning I could never come back. Never come back to earth. Never see my friends again. But I could find my happiness.

I know Bellamy would have told me to go. Lincoln would have too. So why can't I let go? I get up and grab my jacket from the floor and walk a familiar path. One that used to be marked with flowers. I make it to where his cave once was. But the entrance has been overrun with foliage. Tears slip through my eyes but I refuse to let many fall.

Ai hod yu in. I love you, Lincoln.

I make it back to camp by sunset. Clarke greets me, her brows furrowed and mouth parted awaiting an answer but not sure if she should ask the question.

I give her a small smile hoping it makes it seem like I'm alright. "Let's go get the others".

Not long after we gathered around the fire at the center of our camp.

I feel myself space out as I recount what the Judge told me. Everyone is hanging onto my every word, even Murphy to my surprise. Though Emory has been good for him in their own weird way.

"What did you say?" Clarke asked.

I find myself staring at the flames unwilling to meet their eyes. "They are coming for my response tomorrow. But I think I may go. I think Bell would have wanted me to go".

Hope stands up from her log and storms off without a word. My head lifts as Jordan stands. He gives me one of those I'm sorry smiles the kind Monty would always give. "Just give her a minute, it's a little overwhelming" he says before following after her.

"I think you made the right decision". My head whips to Clarke. That's not what I expect to hear from her or anyone.

Gaia chimes in "She's right. You're not happy here. If the Judge is right then your happiness never was here".

"You've been here for all of us Octavia. Be there for yourself. Take a page out of my book. It's okay to be selfish" Murphy adds but not without Emory cutting in "Maybe not selfish as often as John but in this case do it for yourself Octavia".

"If not for yourself, then do it for me. I can't be the reason you didn't get to be happy" speaks Indra her tone firm.

I just give each of them a nod. A nod of thanks.


The sun broke and I still haven't seen Hope. I was so restless I couldn't sleep last night. I instead took the time to pick out which of my knives to take and to tuck a picture of Bellamy that Clarke had drawn for me in my bra. I found after many times of being captured the best place for something was your bra.

"Can I come in?" I look up and at the door of my tent is Hope. Her eyes rimmed red and her short hair a mess like she had run her hands through it a time too many. My heart clenched in my chest. I did this to her.

"Of course" I say as I scoot over on my bed leaving her space to join me. She sits down next to me and we just sit in silence for a couple minutes. Her staring straight at the wall ahead and my eyes focused on my hands as I pick at the skin around my cuticles.

I break the silence "I can stay." I can't leave when she is upset with me. I'd rather stay.

"No" she cuts me off with a hollow voice. I turn my head to look at hair and her gaze meets mine.

"Aunty O, I'm sorry about last night I just couldn't imagine not having you after losing mom" Hope begins. I open my mouth to tell her it's okay but she cuts me a look, her eyes begging for me to let her finish. "But I'm not alone if you leave. I have Jordan and I have the others. And I will have you in my heart. You deserve happiness Aunty O. After being there for me for all those years on Skyring you deserve to be there for yourself. Go find your happiness." Her voice is strong. My eyes wander over her face and I can't help but rack my brain for when my little Hope became such a wise woman.

"Thank you Hope" my voice trembles as I wrap my arms around her. Tears spilling from both our eyes. I w know how long we stay like that before she pulls back and I wipe my eyes. Both of us pretending like we didn't just cry. We stand up together. I grab the bag I packed the night before. It only has one change of clothes, some food, and a canteen of water but its better than nothing. I grab Hope's hand and we walk out the door together.

The Judge is already waiting for me by the fire at the center of camp. In Bellamy's form yet again. Everyone gathered waiting as me and Hope walked down. My arms squeeze around Hope's waist as I just try to memorize everything about her. Next is Clarke, Indra, Raven, and so on. I turn to hug the next person but empty space awaits me.

I walk to the judge before turning back to my friends "May we meet again" I say. A chorus of "May we meet again" echoes back. The Judge's hand rests on my shoulder and the world goes dark.


Another chapter done! I know we're all eager for the bat boys, trust me. But I have to get through all the goodbyes first. Now in the next couple of chapters we are going to see a more closed off Octavia. She's no longer going to be with her family so she's going to appear more like Octavia we see right after the Dark Years. She will be more Blodreina. I'm not trying to undo her character growth but that growth was with people she trusted. She's going to a new world with people she doesn't know so don't be surprised if she comes off a little cold or snarky. She even reverts back to her maim first ask questions later method because she is in a strange place with no one she can count on to keep her safe. So just keep that in mind if Octavia seems a little different going forward. I hope you enjoy!

I'm going to start doing little questions to interact with y'all. They may involve the plot later but for now they will just be for fun.

Which universe would you rather live in?

Earth with Octavia and the 100? Or Prythian with Azriel and the rest of the Inner Circle?

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