𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚒

Start from the beginning

The light came on, ceasing its flickering.

His mother sat on the ground surround by the bodies of the men from today. Her face was dug into the man's stomach eating away at him like a rabid dog. His body jumped every time she pulled a muscle from him to eat. The other men around her were already half eaten. Some missing limbs and huge pieces of skin. Some were just mostly bones.

Tenko began stepping back slowly. He didn't breath in fear Y/n would spot him. Even with his lungs during begging, pleading for air he didn't breath. He was terrified. His foot left foot stepped onto a piece a can, the crunching can scare him causing him to jump out of his skin nd looked down at it.

Y/n lift her head and snapped it into Tenko's direction. Her left sclera was all black; Her pupil was pure glowing red. Blood covered the bottom of her chin and lips like messy makeup.

"Tenko", she questioned her eyes wide filled with panic. Tenko fell onto his bottom. his chest heave dup and down rapidly as he spiral into panic. Y/n began standing to her feet causing him o shuffle backwards. Y/n walked closer to him carefully trying not to scare him and making him run away from her.

"Tenko it's not what it looks like", she began. "M-Monster", Tenko cried, his bottom lip trembling. He began moving back more before turning around and quickly crawling onto his feet.

"TENKO WAIT", Y/n shouted , but Tenko refuse to look at her. In his mind he assumes his mother was going to eat him too. Y/n quickly wiped her face on the one of the dead men and then quickly rushed after Tenko. Her left eye quickly returned to normal now she finish eating the men. She entered from the alleyway franking looking around. She couldn't see her son.

"Have you see a kid come out of here", she questioned a person who was passing her up. "Whoo you're breath stinks", the man commented fanning his hand in front of his face.

"I said did you see a little boy come out of here", she repeated now annoyed. "How am I suppose to know should've been keeping an eye on em", the man spat. Y/n rolled her eyes and continued on her way. "Hey buster! who your polling your eyes at",t he man snapped grabbing her shoulder.

Y/n grabbed the man's wrist and turned to face him. She opened her mouth big then bit down on his pointer, middle and ring finger. She ripped them off of his hand and spat it out onto the ground.

"Oh my god O-OH MY GOD", the man panicked holding his left hand with his right. Blood squirted out from it like an emptying sprinkler. Y/n walked away form him quickly leaving the area to search for her fleeing son.


"Are you sure it was him", Nezu questioned All Might who sat across from him. "I am", All Might answered hunching over gripping his hands together. "He disintegrated the pen and has black hair, he does not resemble the woman he was with", All Might explained. "I am aware what I am concerned is the woman eh is with", Nezu said then clicked the remote.

On All Might's left, a projector descended down from the ceiling covering the wall. Once it was fully out the light sutured off and the light was shined onto the screen. On it was picture of a family of three. A bald black man in a fully grey suit with a smile on his face. Beside him was black woman, she wore braids that were put up into a huge bun. In front of them was a little black girl with a bright smile on her face. She wore jumbo braids with beads at the end of each of them.

"The little girl is Y/n L/n, daughter of Marcus and Sheila L/N", Nezu stated. "This was all we could gather on her", Nezu stated. All Might turned his huge body a bit to get a good look "Just a family photo", Alll might questioned looking back at Nezu.

"Not just a family photo", Nezu said getting out of his chair. "We found their home a while back..", he began as he walked around his desk to get closer to the screen. "..Where we found their half eaten, nearly devoured, bodies", Nezu stated. "Devoured", All Might questioned. "We didn't find the child so we assume she was the thing that ate them", Nezu explained. "I'm sorry isn't it too quick to assume that", All Might questioned. "I thought the same thing, but then I remembered this", Nezu replied clicking the remote.

The screen showed a newspaper. In bold letters the title was "BLIND-EYE MASSACRE". Surrounding the enlarged newspaper was pictures of different bodies. Each were eaten away at nearly almost devoured like her parents. Limbs missing, stomach tone open, eyes gones, bones shattered, etc. There was at least 30 Pictures.

"Fifty people were killed that day", Nezu stated looking at the screen. "The area that occur was near her home, where she eaten her parents", Nezu stated turning his attention back on to All Might.

"I have to save that boy", All Might began standing to his feet about to walk towards the door. "Not yet", Nezu said stopping him. "He is being held by that man eating monster", All Might explained paranoia starting to get to him.

"We have to be patient", Nezu said. "She hasn't ate him and I doubt she will, he could be use as a weakness", Nezu said. "We don't have enough evidence of her man eating ways, once we do I'll let you know then we'll save the boy", Nezu explained. "We also have to take in fact the boy seems fond her, he sees her as mother it will go bad if we try taking him away from her by forces", Nezu explained. All Might didn't like the idea of waiting, but it was the best what to save the his master's grandson. He knew Nezu was right.

"Let me be the first to know", All Might said. "I will, have a good day", Nezu smiled. All Might node this head at him then headed for the door and left.

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Y/n's quirk will be revealed in the next chapter. Obvious hint was in the story, but another hint is it's based off another anime

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Parasyte || Mother! Y/n and child! ShigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now