Chapter 49 Are You ready?

Start from the beginning

"Next time ma'am don't stare it's rude you know and look where you are going. God gave us eyes for a reason you know. " I told her sweetly.

Once I am sure that she's okay, I run back to Uncle Blake.

"Did you hear what she said Brandon?" Bryson said while holding his laugh.

"She basically insult that woman in a nice fucking way." Brandon snickeringly replied.

"My God. Greyson's attitude rubbing off on Sunshine." Uncle Blake added.

I don't even try to comprehend what they are talking about.

I just walk inside the nearest store.

My three kidnappers catches up with me.

I walk aimlessly inside the store when I spotted something familiar.

I walk towards it and touch the hoodie.

"You like that one?" I heard Uncle Blake ask.

I nodded.
"It was the same as Grey Grey's. He would love this."

"Then get it princess."

I excitedly unhook the hoodie to its hanger.

I skip towards the cashier and wait for Uncle Blake to pay it for me.

I'll pay him back later. I promise. Cross my heart.

Once Uncle Blake finished paying. I thank the cashier and carefully grab the paper bag.

"I'll hold this for you Sunshine." Brandon offered. I hand him the bag and thank him.

"Can we go to Chanel papa?" Bryson ask.

Uncle Blake nodded.

We entered a massive store with a suited staffs. How expensive is this store?

"Look around Princess. You might see something you like. " Brandon suggested.

I nodded at him and carefully roam around the store.

I glass case with beautiful bottles inside catches my attention.

A staff wearing a suit and white gloves greeted me.

"Goodmorning madam. Would you like to smell some of our perfumes?"

"Sure. Why not?" I replied.

She elaborately brings out a white paper and sprays the perfume with elegance. She weirdly fans the small paper before giving it to me.

Everything smells amazing but I was taken aback when I smelled the last strip she gave me.

"Oh my God! It smells like Grey Grey!"

I swear! He always smells like this 24/7!

"Blue de Chanel. Perfect choice madam. Would you like to buy one?''

"Yes please!" After I said those words. I instantly regretted it.

I don't have money and Uncle Blake already buy the hoodie for me.

The staff already gave me a new stock of the perfume. I am already embarass to return it so I sheepishly went back to where Uncle Blake was standing with his 2 sons. I can hear them bickering.

"Bro that sunglasses make you look fat." Brandon said to his brother.

"How the fuck a Sunglasses makes me look fat? What the hell?!" Bryson exclaimed.

Uncle Blake nodded. "You honestly look like a bee son."

"Wow. Thanks a lot."

Uncle Blake shrug his shoulders and replied. "Anytime."

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