"I am. I am over ten thousand years old now." He hung his head. I had never heard of a dragon living that long, most made it to about 5000 years, but they looked ancient, both as human or dragon. Sometimes the perfect human form became harder to reach if a dragon had spent too much time in dragon form. But Auris looked no older than Laurel, there was something else about this dragon. Aside from being mentally broken, socially awkward and just strange in general.

"What did you mean, Master Elemental Dragon? You said that to Marisol when she teased you."

He stiffened, realizing his need to boast gave away more information than he intended. "I am able to control all the elements, all magic, it is why I was able to destroy Cole. Well with Laurel's help I was. Wherever he is, even his essence is shattered. I made sure of it, nothing will be able to reassemble him anytime soon, and I'm certain no one would bother in the first place." he huffed before pouting his lower lip.

I had to maintain my neutral face. A typical dragon has fire. Some are special and get a bonus element. All are magical creatures. Can perform and practice magic if they train for it, can read minds, most could compel to some degree. A typical dragon was an unstoppable force, how much more powerful was Auris? "All magic?" I asked, trying to stay calm. Reconsidering everything.

"Yes, I am perhaps stronger in some areas than others, but there is no magic I could not access." He didn't sound smug, or boastful, he was a puzzle I was having a very hard time understanding.

This was terrifying. There had been a dragon capable of destroying anything in his path, and it had somehow hidden out, in a mountain, basically a short trip from where I had made my home? And no one knew about it. I had never heard of a dragon with such unrestrained powers. "How were you alone for so long? People would have looked for you?" It didn't make sense, a creature with this much innate magic would have been hunted to the ends of the three realms for a chance to control the power.

"I walled myself inside the cave, sealed my magic, and hid my tracks for a couple hundred years. Even dragon's grow weary after a couple centuries with no reward for their efforts. Then I just stayed small, quiet and unnoticable. I sought company, mostly voluntary, some not, and practiced my magic. Not realizing until much later all I could do with my powers." He might seem a little off balance now, but he wasn't a total idiot. He had been capable of plot and deception, and had endless magic to draw on. "Laurel told me not to read anyone's mind. I am not. So please believe me when I say I can see you thinking of ways to use me as a weapon in your eyes right now. I only serve Laurel. Not you." Certainly not an idiot. All I could do was be grateful he and the dragon he didn't seem wholly connected with were unified in dedication to Laurel.


I felt it as my body shifted from deep slumber to waking up. The suns were up overhead, warming my face, I shifted and could feel I was naked, and someone was wrapped around my front and another pressed against my back. My mates, surrounding me. I wriggled myself upwards out from in between the two of them. Sky and Brydel moved closer to each other while still asleep, seeking the warmth that was missing now that I had extrapolated myself. Both smiled, and cuddled back to sleep together satisfied.

They looked so good together, already bonding as friends and maybe more. I liked it. It made my heart happy that my mates could be happy with each other too. I turned and Auris was waiting for me. Looking funny in a pair of pants far larger than he needed and nothing else.

"Mistress, I have fish cooked if you are hungry? Or if you desire something else, name it and I will find it." He was holding a sizzling rock with what looked like a couple trout smoking on top. They did smell really good and I was starving.

"I'll eat the fish, Thank you pet." If he was still calling me mistress, then he was still my pet. Someday I felt like he could become ready to be more than a pet, but until then, we would live with this relationship. He was a dragon who could end me in a bite; if Mistress Starlight is what he needed from me right now, I would provide it. Try and put him back together into something stronger while forcing strict rules and boundaries on him. So far it seemed to be working at least.

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