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Todays the day, the first day of school! The day I'll finally get to go outside and have real friends, not just the maids on the mansion. We're now in the school, but unfortunately, father can't come along because of work. I understand that, but he could've attended his daughters first day.

"Come on, honey." Mom offered her hand and I grabbed it.

We walked through the schools covered court, but we're stopped by one of the staffs.

"I'm sorry, but only the students are allowed starting from this point. They will be out before 12:30. You can pick them up at that point." A woman who looks to be a teacher said straightforwardly.

"Well... It looks like I can't accompany you inside." Mom vent down to my level "I know it will be hard for you to adjust, but remember, Mommy will be the one to pick you up later, okay?"

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore." I went for her cheeks and kissed her. "Thanks for that Mom, I love you."

"Aww~ My cure daughter is so mature!" She gave many pecks in return. "Good luck on your first day, Lily." She handed me the bag and I took it.

"See you later, Mom." I waved goodbye and went on my way.

Now, Now....I have to assess my current situation. It seems that I've been reincarnated in a world similar to what I used to live in. I've been reincarnated in a parallel universe where my old family exist, but they're not poor, instead, they are in the middle class. I've done my research and found out that they do live in that house I saw back then, and the most surprising thing is... I also exist. No, not me, the MALE me. And right now, he's in the same age as me.

"You've put me in quite a situation, Goddess." I grumbled.

In front of me is a door with the word 'Room A-1' carved on it. This is my room. The weird thing is that it didn't have a door knob.

'Is this an automatic door?' And just as I thought, the door opened itself.

"Welcome, Miss..." The man standing in front reads his list "Miss Lily Chrysalis. You can select what seat you want. We're still waiting for the others."

I looked at the students and at the sight of someone I will never forget, the reason why I died. Sean Hideo. My hands tucked into a fist. Of course, if I'm reincarnated in a similar world where the male me exist, then it's obvious that he also exist.

"So that's her?"

"Isn't she beautiful? She could be the leader of our group."

"So that's the famous daughter of the Chrysalis's? She's a great engagement candidate."

"Yeah, right."

I heard the students murmured as I choose where I'm going to sit. I ignored them, but the only one I can't ignore is the piercing gaze I'm getting from that. Damn. Guy.

'You could've at least removed him from this world, goddess' I thought before slumping on my chair, I've chosen the seat on the last row. I don't want to be near that bastard.

Trying to brush of what just happened, I began looking around and looking at the other students. Many of the students, including me are wearing a white colored uniform, meanwhile the middle class and some students who managed to get in using scholarships is wearing a dark blue and less detailed version.

Everyone who's wearing a white uniform has a crest, pinned on their uniforms. My crest is our family crest. An image of a butterfly immerging from it's chrysalis. I was thought that the family last name originated from the noble house of Chrysalis. The image on the crest was the idea of the duke back then. The story says that the duke once saw a butterfly coming out of it's chrysalis, enchanting him and making him forget the horrors of the war that's currently raging on that time. That's the reason why he chose to change his last name to Chrysalis and change their family crest.

"The middle class didn't have any crest, only the higher did." I murmured.

I watched until more and more students arrived. Now, the class is pretty divided. The middle class chose to sit in groups and avoid the higher class students. I can't blame them. What do you think will happen when a rich spoiled brat met a someone from the middle class... You're right. They'll be bullied.

"Middle classes... Wait!" The male me in this world is also from the middle class! That means... There's a chance he's also going to this school! But he could be in the other room.

"Okay, that seems to be it-" The teacher was cut when the door opened once again, revealing a boy who's out of breath.

"First day of school and you're late, Mr... Clarence Dulian."

There he is. Now this is going to be a heck of a school year. Me, the male me, and the man who I hated the most in the same room! I'm beginning to think that none of this was a coincidence. It's just like a novel- My head was suddenly assaulted by a sharp headache that quickly faded. 'Owiee.'

"I'm sorry, teacher. Our car broke." He apologized and made a full bow.

"I'll let it pass, just this once. Now, go and sit down." He shooed him off and went back on checking his attendance list. "This middle classes..."

I watched as he searched for where he's going to seat. There's still many seats vacant on the higher class and almost all the seat on the Middle class side is occupied. Some the students were frantically waving their hand, signaling him to sit with them, but he didn't noticed it. The higher class is giving him a glare, which he also failed to notice.

He went to the empty seat beside me and asked "Can I sit here?"

[My head hurts, but I can't stop writing 😭😭😭😭]

Me And Myself (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें