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I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. It's dark. I stifled a yawn and stretched my arm's.

The digital clock beside me says that it's 6:15 am. I woke up too early, it's still early in the morning. I stood out of bed and went out of my room, holding one of my pillow, just Incase I encountered a burglar or something.

I'm supposed to be in the mall, right? Did I fell asleep and missed everything? I slowly walked down the dimly lit stairs. I heard some noises in the kitchen as I go down.

'The maids are awake.' I went to the kitchen and saw them already doing their work.

"Miss! You're not supposed to leave your bed!" One of the maids panicked and ran to me.

"Huh? Why?" I asked her.

"Ma'am said that you fainted yesterday. You still need to rest."

"Me? Fainted?" Now I'm confused.

"Ma'am mentioned that the doctor said it's because of a headache that came out of nowhere." She explained.

Wait... I think I remember now... The Mall... Fritz.

"Shall we go back to the bed?" She offered her hand.

"N-No, I'm fine. I'll stay in the living room."

"Okay. I'll prepare a cereal for you. Do you want milk?"

I gave a nod and went to the living room.

'It just have to be a coincidence, right?' I sat down on the sofa.

Now that I thought about it, I didn't really noticed any similarities of my past world and this, not until now.

I noticed papa's laptop on the glass table and something came to my mind.

'This is just a coincidence... Right?' I opened the laptop and turned it on.

This is papa's laptop. I'm sure he'll get mad when he saw me using this instead of reviewing for the first day of school next week, but I need to confirm my suspicion. I feel so dumb for not noticing some of the details.

I opened the search tool and searched. First is the City's name.

The city's name is Kurtz. Same as my past life. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. Next, I searched for the address of my home back to my past life.

The first one to appear is a bird eye view of the area with an icon pointing at what supposed to be the address.

I can see the similarities between the area of this place and back then, but what confuses me is that instead of a small rental house, A 2 story house is in the plot of land.

"Huh? How?" I clicked the Icon and an image of the front of the house is shown. "This isn't our house..."

I looked closely and noticed a sign with a something written on it. It's a little pixelated but I can make out what is written on the sign. It was 'Dulian Residence'.


"Miss, you just woke up." The maid placed the bowl of cereal and the glass of milk beside the laptop.

"I'm sorry..." I cleaned the search history and turned the laptop off.

As I munched down the cereal, I kept thinking about that house. Everything in this city is similar to the one I used to live in. The only difference is that house.

"But it says 'Dulian Residence'..."

Now... What did I wish again? Yeah, right. 1st is that my family will be able to move on and a comfortable life, next is me being able to keep my memories intact, and lastly, the other me needs to be able to experience things that I haven't... Wait, I remember the Goddess fused my 2nd and 3rd wish... I don't know why, but my guess is that that's why this is happening is because of that.

I'm so confused right now. The only thing I can do is to go ther and see for myself.

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