Part 6

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"Harry, can I speak with you?" I look up from the Potions book I hold in my left hand and stop writing my assignment notes in the other with my quill. Hermione holds her bag to her chest and seems extremely nervous.

"Sit down then." I glance back down to the seventh paragraph I am writing on the properties of mugwort in potions. The potions are to aid anxiety and digestion problems. Used also in tinctures, extracts, tonics, teas, powders, and essential oils. The roots, leaves, and stems help in the herb's potions. I am also using a herbology book to help with the side effects of using such herbs in a potion. I am now on the dosage and preparation to keep others from getting any allergies or symptoms. I can see why Neville loves herbology, several herbs can be helpful if your magic is weak and you can't heal easily with magic so use a potion or herbs if you can identify them.

"I am worried for you Harry. Your name being sprouted out of that goblet is bad news and you shouldn't have put it in the first place. Back out please and come back to the tower. This thing you are going through can be explained and helped. allow me to help you." Placing a warm hand on my cold one, I remain silent.

"I am not backing out of this. I got strong magic to help me so there is no need to worry about that. I also mentioned that I did not put my name in the goblet but everyone just loves spitting out the first insult they know. But I guess it can't be helped for how stupid everyone is."

"Harry!" Sliding my hand away from her I continue my work not giving her a time of day. "Please tell us who is corrupting you."

Red flash of my eyes made her flinch. Turning my head away and closing my eyes I calm the roaring beast inside me. The library is no place to murder someone not to mention I am not a murderer. I do think of multiple ways to have Hermione tell me that she knows of the truth, my truth.

"Tonight at six o'clock after dinner, meet me back here. I will tell you then. But Hermione," she turns in her seat as she gets ready to leave. "Bring anyone, tell anyone and I will hex you! I am glad we have an understanding." I don't look at the smart witch. My mind reverting back to the homework I am completing for potions which is the next class.

"Granger shouldn't be anywhere near you tonight." 

"Didn't know you liked the library Draco. Aubrey, don't hover over me."

"Sorry." I sigh as she sits right in my lap. Looking at her, she smiles before leaning her head on my left shoulder, giving me a better view of the homework that Draco is reading through. Can't they do their own thing?

"Good writing Hadrian. Very impressed. I am also only here to make sure you are safe. We all feel your anger when it arises. Slytherins always keep protecting each other even if we seem like we are all individual."  he slides the sheet back in front of me.

"Hm, interesting. Thank you for proofreading." I finish it off quickly. Aubrey's fingers run over and over through the short hair near the back of my neck. Sending shivers running up and down my spine. "I am going to see what Hermione knows and what I can keep her quiet with. No Gryffindor will stop me nor tell me what to do."

"Fair point. Just be careful, Harry." I nod and tap Aubrey's thigh so I may stand up.

We walk out of the library and stop when professor McGonagall steps in my way. Holding back the growl from my dragon at being stopped, I give the professor a respectful smile. She never gave me any means of hating me or using me so I shouldn't hate her fully. I only am annoyed she held such secrets from me. Until I get an apology, then I will forgive anyone.

"Problem, professor?" I ask feeling both my mates step closer to me.

"Dumbledore wishes to speak with you." Her eyes glance at my mates with a small intake of breath. She seems freezing near us and it is a nice warm day. Must be our presence, together we can be deadly. Me, alone, can be lethal but I will remain calm and chill so as to not get the lady running.

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