Part 3

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Hermione Granger nibbles on her lower lip as she heads down the familiar hallways of Hogwarts. It is two weeks before school begins and Dumbledore has already summoned her. What is going on? I hope this doesn't involve Harry. God, that boy gets in so much trouble, that it boggles my mind. I do hope he is safe. He hasn't answered any of our letters and when Ron went to go get him to bring to the Burrow, he wasn't there.

"Hermione," I shriek and nearly punch Ron. "Geez, calm down woman."

"Ron, you scared me." I glance around and see Harry isn't here. "Have you seen Harry at all?"

"No. The bloke is a no-show. Hopefully, Dumbledore found him and is in his office right now. Fireflies." The gargoyle moves over and we both walk up the stairs.

As we open the door, disappointment fills my heart. He isn't here. Why can't he just stay put!? Dumbledore waves us over and we sit in the chairs across from him.

"Is this about Harry? Have you found him?" I ask, getting right to the point.

"Harry is still missing-"

"Seriously!? How much danger can that bloke get into? He seems to thirst for such things." Ron interrupts Dumbledore. I glare at him and wack his arm. 

"May I finish Mr. Weasley?" Dumbledore sends a hard look at him.

"Yes, sir." Ron mumbles, tucking his head down.

"Harry seemed to have gone off the radar. We no longer can track him. I wondered if he said anything to you two? but judging from your reactions, he hasn't. Am I correct?"

"Yes, he didn't say anything," I answer as my heart clenches in worry.

"Typical. We stick by that boy's side, make him feel so important, and now he up and leaves without telling us anything. Where is the gratitude? Damn lucky we are getting paid for this." I glare at Ron grumbling but he does have a point. Ron and I have always been by Harry's side as friends, getting him to not be so alone, and then right from under their noses, he slips away. Abandoning us. I gasp at the thought. Has Harry gone rogue? What would lead him to do that? Will he join Voldemort? Will he turn dark? 

"Professor, do you...could Harry have found out about his heritage?" I ask, it can be the only thing that would give Harry the chance to flee.

"Have you noticed Ms. Granger that the vault key I gave you for Harry vaults is gone?" Ron and my eyes widen. He found out. We are in deep trouble now.

"He found out!? How?" Ron nearly shouts. The stern look from Dumbledore silences Ron once again. 

"He must have gotten into his inheritance of the dragon creature. We know how dangerous that dragon can be."

"Yes, Harry is a Ukrainian Ironbelly mix with Antipodean Opaleye. Black with a silver shimmer, giant and calm at the same time." Ron explains.

"Yes. It is the only explanation for him finding out the truth. Potions and spells can work to subdue such a creature but given the pushing of fighting his own blood parent, the dragon must have broken through the magic we chained on Harry."

"What are we to do?" I ask, concerned for Harry. Who knows what the dragon in him can do? Will it control him? Will Harry turn dark? "He...he wouldn't turn on us, would he?"

"I do not know. I am just as lost as you, Ms. Granger. I will try my best to find him while we can only hope, the friendship you three have made is enough to keep Harry in the light." I nod and silence befalls the room.

"What are we to do now? We can't just stay here and wait for Harry to come back. There is still Malfoy and other secret evil gits out there waiting to claim Harry." Ron is filled with good points today. Can't believe how strong his mask is to Harry. Ron plays stupid but he isn't. He is the best strategist I have ever met. Lucky for every chess game he played and won. If he wasn't good at planning then we would be in a worse situation.

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