IX • More Angst

Start from the beginning

He was certainly a bold individual, but to blatantly embarrass and sexualise another peer was too far, even for him. He smirked anyway. He didn't want to. Even if it was Aurora Flores, a girl he hated, he felt the urge to apologise. Especially when she moved seating positions and threw on her school robe. But he ignored any of his urges. He saved his own skin, why did he need to apologise for that?

The boys of the class started to applaud, particularly the Slytherin ones. His smile widened. Girls gushed and playfully scolded him. He winked back at them. Perhaps he didn't mind the attention.

On the other hand, Auroras eyes shot around the room as she pulled down her skirt as low as it would go.

Thankfully it wasn't all in vein. No one was surprised at the professors lack of an attempt to scold the boy. Correction the Slytherin, pure blood boy.

The remainder of the class was uneventful. Though Rory didn't fail to notice the glances that were directed at her bum. She had been humiliated and in hand her confidence was majorly struck down. But she wasn't going to do anything about it. She couldn't.

So she acted unaffected. It was sort of a compliment anyway. Right? She didn't know why it bothered her. There seemed to be no reasonable excuse, complaining about it would be useless.

No one else seemed to care about it anyway, they were too busy gushing over Theodore. She also didn't fail to notice the never ending compliments going his way. The guys acted as though he was some sort of god and the girls looked at him with such lust, she swore they thought he was some form of hero. Those same girls looked at Rory with glares sharp enough to slice through titanium. What'd she do?

In return Rory figured it'd be best not to draw any attention to herself. So she remained silent in hopes to wait until the whole thing was over. It would only take a day or two and the whole situation would be forgotten.

Her eyes remained on her watch for what felt like forever. When the class came to an end she was the first gone. Not only was she to have detention but she didn't feel comfortable in that classroom anymore.

Rory held her books tightly to her chest with her right hand, the other laid by her side, occasionally tugging at her skirt. It had only been two minutes since Rory left the class yet she could swear she felt all eyes on her. Her face felt as though it was on fire, as the feelings began to increase so did her speed.

Unfortunately she hadn't prepared for a hand to come into contact with her behind, giving it a firm squeeze. She shot her head to get a look at the intruder who had touched her without her consent, maybe even to give them a piece of her mind but they had disappeared amongst the crowd. Quicker than ever before, she made her way back to the common room.

She couldn't bare to ignore the countless smiles directed at her as she made her way up to her bedroom. It took a total of 12 minutes to make it up a short flight of stairs.

She threw the door open and pressed her back to the wall. Her lip shook and her chest started to feel heavy. She mustn't cry. She told herself. She mustn't cry.

She had never felt so violated. Her body was her temple, she had never been touched there before, not by any of her past boyfriends, no one. She had never dared to go that far. It felt too personal. And now someone had the audacity to overstep her boundaries, to touch her.

Her left leg bounced. She was all shaky. She mustn't cry, so she dropped her books and dragged her hands up and down her sides, an act meant to calm herself. It wasn't working.

Rory scurried to her bathroom and splashed water across her face. The young girls chest heaved as she attempted to control her breath. She grasped onto both sides of the sink and bit her lower lip which had been shaking too much. Eventually her breathing evened and she calmed, but she didn't feel any better.
At the very least she didn't feel like weeping anymore.

Just incase her body felt like crying she took the extra precaution and gazed at herself in the mirror. She didn't look as lovely as she once did. Her mother, Her brothers, Her confidence had been stolen from her. Apparently it took a toll on her appearance, but she was okay. She had to be.

With one last breath, she allowed herself to feel bad for one last moment before flashing a beautiful grin at the mirror. Her smile brought comfort to everyone but herself. It had been changed and adjusted through out her life to fulfil the needs of anyone. It was flirtatious, comforting, heartwarming, cheeky, bubbly.

Rory was proud of her smile, the altered one was much prettier than her real one. The one that exposed too much of her teeth, that mushed her chin into her neck and pushed her top lip up to her nose, so much that there was a little dent above her mouth when ever she did smile. Her fake one was nicer, she didn't know why it never made her feel any better.

She couldn't continue to think about the subject of her smile due to the light knock on her bathroom door. Perhaps Angelina was back and needed her lipgloss which rested on the sink. Or maybe Katie was busting for the toilet. The latter made Rory feel guilty, she was hogging the bathroom.

The girl, quickly threw the door open eager to apologise to either of her Gryffindor pals, but it wasn't a Gryffindor that greeted her. It was a Slytherin.

Her favourite Slytherin. The sight of blonde hair, brown eyes and a soft jaw brightened her mood almost immediately. She sighed in relief. The girl gazed at Rory with genuine concern.

Great. Now she felt like crying again. Her mouth involuntary pulled into an exaggerated frown.

"Oh honey." She yanked her into a hug. Her grasp was tight, possibly even too tight, but it's what Rory needed in that moment. Her shoulders shook as though she was sobbing but no tears fell. She wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction. She was fine. Especially with a friend like Daph.

She didn't say anything else. Neither of them did. They just grasped each other tightly and didn't let go. Occasionally Daphne would play with her hair and sigh into her neck but besides that no words were said. Rory was too exhausted and Daphne had already spoken all of her opinions, but not to Rory.

Aurora didn't know that Daphne had spotted the boy who had touched her. Aurora also didn't know that Daphne had found the guy who had grabbed her arse and put him in his place. Surprisingly she wasn't that aggressive, besides the threatening, the punching and the yelling.
She wasn't afraid to scold her fellow Slytherin friend in order to get back at him.

She didn't tell Rory what she had done in her honor that day. She couldn't. Daph loved her, always would, but she was ashamed because amongst the yelling and threatening she had accidentally let slip one of Rory's most valuable secrets.

She accidentally told the boy that Rory's mother was dead.



Hi, hope everyone's been feeling good as of late. Please comment and vote, I haven't gotten many comments lately and I've missed them.

Also, excuse the fact that this hasn't been properly edited besides a quick read through.

Have a nice day
- Sofia

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