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Alex seemed nervous to sit next to Mei once they returned from the cafeteria and Ben's eyebrows seemed permanently furrowed.

"What happened? I thought you just wanted to talk." Mei sighed, "Teddy didn't want to talk and Chad was being rude, per usual. It wouldn't be a big problem for him if he was honest with me but whatever."

"You fought him before?"

"No, but I have fought people far stronger than him. He has bad coordination, he's sloppy and he relies on brute strength to win. He doesn't think and that's why he always gets himself into shit."

Alex's eye's seem to light up then, "who have you fought?"

Mei smirked and laughed as she thought, "some high-school student causing problems for my brothers... employer, you could say. Some guys from Ma-" Mei froze for a moment before she could say anymore, would it be okay to talk about Manwol so openly?


"Nobody, not important." Mei replied a little too quickly and noticed both Alex and Ben narrow their eye's.

Mei sighed, "Listen, I'm not supposed to talk about it because my brother thinks it'll get me into more trouble than it's worth."

"What will?"

"Not allowed to talk about it."

Ben shrugged, "can't be that big of a deal, right? Not like you're part of a gang," Mei's face seemed to give something away despite holding her poker face and Ben immediately leaned closer, "you're not actually part of a gang, right?"

"I wouldn't call it a gang, if that counts...?" Mei questioned, noting the confusion between the two, she sighed, "its not a gang!"

'It's definitely a gang.' The two boys thought as they glanced between themselves and Mei.

"So, what does this definitely-not-a-gang do exactly?"

"Rob people? Hospitalise them?"

"If I didn't tell my best friend, what makes you think I'd tell two people I met a few hours ago?" Mei chuckled lightly, jumping slightly when her phone began to buzz once more.

She cursed quietly at the name and quickly answered, "Sammy? Everything okay? Class is about to start can you do this quickly?"

"Donald said you're to help Wolf today."

Mei groaned, "please tell him to shove it up-"

"Don't finish that sentence."

"Sorry! Sorry."

"You're acting strange. Have you gotten into a fight with someone already?"

"What? No, I haven't fought someone today."

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