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Sam's eye's burned as he opened them the next morning, there was a sharp pain in his neck as he sat up on the sofa, looking around and trying to find his bearings.

Damon and Mei were in the kitchen, making something that Sam couldn't quite make out through his drowsiness.

"Morning." He smiled softly as he walked past the two to make a coffee, rubbing the sleep from his eye.

"Sammy, this place is amazing!" Sam smiled at Mei, patting the top of her head, "glad you like it, kiddo. You doing anything today?"

Mei nodded her head, "yeah, I was gonna go see Stephen and Gray, if that's alright."

Sam nodded, "Damon and I won't be home for the day if you want to invite them here."

It had always been a thing for Mei to invite her friends to her home, she had always wanted too but was never permitted.

She was like a little kid, her eye's bright with excitement, "thanks, Sammy!"

"C'mon, eat your breakfast." Sam nodded towards the plate of toast and eggs that Damon cooked, one for each of them.

They ate quietly, watching the morning news, none of them actually paid attention though, it wasnt important to them.

"Donald got a job for us then?" Damon asked, biting into his toast as Sam shook his head, "no. There's something I need your help with, that's all. We'll leave when Mei's friends get here."

Mei smiled at him once again, "can I borrow your phone so I can call them?" Sam nodded, he'd slept with it in his pocket.

"Careful with the glass." He warned passing it over to Mei.

"You broke your phone?" Damon asked once he saw just how shattered the screen was.

"Miko did. Thought it'd help her case when I said we were leaving." Damon snorted, shaking his head asked he gathered to plates to wash up.

Sam tried to help but he was dismissed, "let your hands heal, Sammy."

Sam look at the white bandages with a frown, blood had seeped through a bit while he slept but it wasn't serious, "its fine. Let me help."

"You can dry the dishes then."

"You know there's a dishwasher, right?" Mei chuckled, passing Sam's phone back once she was done, "seriously?"

"Yeah, it's right there."

Sam opened the door -it looked like a cupboard, in his defence - and there it was, a dishwasher.

"Yes! This'll make things so much easier!" Damon grinned as he started to load the dishwasher beside the dishes from their dinner last night.

"Well, I'm gonna go get ready, Stephen and Gray will be here soon." Mei grinned, sliding on her socks to the end of the hallway once again.

𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 || 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼 (𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora