Part 6🦋

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I put it on the bed and he came upstairs with two boxes marked 'Jack' and 'Jonah' " thanks Z." He kissed my forehead and went back downstairs. ' I am assuming they are still here' I close the door and I start getting dressed. I dried my hair and put some make up on. I went for a natural look since I didn't feel like going all out and Zach said I looked better without so much make up on. After that I cleaned up and put the box in the closet. 'Maybe Zach was right.' I went downstairs and I was right. Everyone except Rachel is here. "Z "I had to snap Zack out of his thoughts. "Sorry." "It's okay." "So have you thought about what I said?" "Yes. And you're right. I'll give him a second chance." I sat down between Corbyn and Zach. "Which one?" "Certainly not Rachel's Bitch." Zach laughs at the name. "Corbyn scoot your butt over." "Whyyy?" "So Mr. Jack Bobby Avery can sit over here. No move over." "Nooo" Zach gets up and whisper something in Corbyn's ear which makes his eyes go wide and he immediately moves over. " thank you Zach. Now Jack, get your butt over here." He gets up and sits next to me. "There that's way better." "Hey what's wrong with me" " do I even have to answer that question," he rolls his eyes and flips me off. "Corbitch I will fuck you up. Don't do that." I flip him off back. I lay my head on Jack's shoulder and he looks down at me. "So I guess I'm forgiven?" "I guess so, for break my heart again and I won't forgive you." "Okay and I'm sorry. Thank you for forgiving me" "you should be thanking Zach. He's the one that change my mind." he looks at Zack and they do this weird handshake thing. "You're so weird. How did I get stuck with you guys?" "Ask Mom for that question" Daniel gets up. "Aye Zach do you have any watermelon?" "Yes giraffe. It's in the kitchen." I cut in. "Okay princess." my face goes red and Zach gives him a dirty kind of look. "First of all, NEVER call me princess. Only one person can call me that and it's definitely not you."  whoa calm down Sierra. I was just joking," "well don't ever call me that again.""Anyway when do we get to meet your boyfriend?" Jack said changing the subject. "Well you've known him for a while but that is all I can say about him." "Are you sure you can't say anything else" Jonah blurted out. "Yes Rachel's little pet." I got up and went upstairs. "What's up with her?" "She's been through stuff in the past month Corbyn." "more like just on her period." "Jonah so what if she was? It's none of your business if she was. And you are the reason she's been acting like this." I come back downstairs with the box filled with Jonah's clothes. "Here's all of your stuff." I handed it to him and then I looked at one more thing. the locket he gave me 6 months of knowing each other. I took it off and gave it to him. "Now you don't have to worry about talking to me. I gave you everything so you don't have to ask for it back." I run upstairs and shut the door. "Wow Jonah you really screwed up. Sierra never gives stuff back unless she is completely done with someone." "You all screwed up. None of you even considered the fact it might hurt her which it clearly did. She's not mad at me cause I told her about it and I didn't join in on the bet. And you three actually thought she would go for you because of bonus points with her brother? Corbyn you are seeing Lera and Daniel you are seeing Franny. And Jonah, you were her best friend until you screwed that up." "Zach you aren't so innocent either." "What does Jonah mean?" "Nothing Jack. Jonah if you say another word about it, then the only change of getting Sierra back will be gone forever." "Corbyn Matthew Besson I'm actually gonna Fucking murder you!" I yelled running down the stairs and jumping on him. "What'd he do this time?" "He posted a musically of me from 2015." "Corbyn Why?" "Cause it was a funny video." He showed it to everyone and they all giggled. "It's not funny assholes. Stop laughing or someone is waking up bald with no eyebrows. Starting with you Besson." They all stopped laughing. "Fine sorry" "anyway I'm taking Sierra somewhere so if you guys would try not to break anything in here or kill each other that would be perfect. " "where are you 2 going?" "Jack if I told you then it wouldn't be a secret anymore." "Fine. Just don't kill my sister." "I won't let him kill me Jack." Zach whispered in my ear, "get your hottest and nicest pair of heels on." I nod my head and grab them and then put them on.

I love you Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now