Part 2🦋

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I wake up the next day and I try to crawl out of bed but I failed and fell over. I grab onto my bed and I limp over to my mirror. 'Oh. My. God.' I had bruises all down my neck and on my inner thighs. 'God Zach' I grab the closest shirt and threw it over my body, going down to my mid-thigh. I grab onto the railing as I walk down the stairs. "The queen has finally awoken" Jack says, sitting in the kitchen with the 4 other boys. "It's too early for this" I mumbled before trying to lunge at him, forgetting about my legs. I fall to the floor and Zach rushes to me. "Here let me help you up" he tries to grab my arm. "No Zach. You have quite literally done enough." He smirks at me but still tries to help me up. "Omg Zach stop flirting with my sister." Zach him a death glare and then looks at the other guys. "Bro I'm not. Relax Jack." I get up and walk over to the guys. Zach follows not far behind me. "So what are the big plans for today?" Jonah looks over to the guys and smiles. "Quoting song names I see" I punch him on the arm lightly. "Jonah I swear you are so stupid." He just laughs and smiles. "You guys are gross." Jack says and rolls his eyes. "What Jack? We can't just have a friendly conversation without you thinking wrong." He gives me the middle finger. I pull out my phone and start texting Jonah.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

He looks at the guys and they look at both of us

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

He looks at the guys and they look at both of us. Zach grabs my phone and tries to unlock it but forgot my passcode. "Hey Sierra what's your passcode?" "Why do you wanna know?" I tried grabbing my phone back but Zach wouldn't let go. Jack came up behind me and moved my hair back. "So Sierra care to explain what these are?" All of their eyes landed on my neck. I put my hand on my neck to try to cover it up but it was too late. They had already saw it. "It's nothing J" "If it was nothing, you wouldn't be hiding them" Daniel says trying to make sense of it. "They are just bruises. They'll go away" Zach smirks at me and then turns away, trying to not look guilty. "Those don't look like ordinary bruises. Those look like hickeys. Jack, Sierra is participating in sexual activity with males." Corbyn looks at my neck again and laughs. "Did you go anywhere last night?" "No Jack. We got home last night and then I went upstairs and fell asleep. They've probably been there for awhile." Jack gave my a questioning look. "So you don't even know when you got them?" Zach looks at me and starts laughing. "What's so funny Herron?" "It's just that we know you aren't telling the truth." "Oh and how would you know that I'm lying then?" "Because you can clearly tell that those are new and weren't there yesterday or the day before." They all look at me. "So are you lying or telling the truth?" "Jack I'm not about to tell you about my relationships in front of the guys." "You've known them for 6 years, Daniel longer." "It's still weird to tell them that stuff." "Just tell us the truth Sierra." "If I did that, you would murder 2 people. So therefore, I cannot do that." "Why would I murder 2 people?" "Just forget about it okay?" "Okay fine. But later you are telling me the truth." "I'm you're dreams Avery" "Hey you're an Avery too" "Me and Sydnie are the superior Avery's." "Rude. I think I'm the better Avery" "nope" "okay you two quit arguing." Jonah yanks my arm and pulls me away into my room. "What is it Jonah?" "If you want me to follow through with the plan, then you have to tell me the truth." My thoughts were 'what if I tell him and he tells Jack or tells Zach that he knows.' "Jonah you have to promise me that you wound tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. If he finds out it could ruin the band and potentially make me never see you guys again." He grabs my hands and swings my arms with his. "I promise that I won't tell a single person what you are about to tell me." "Okay. Zach was right. The hickeys are fresh." "Wait but how did he know?" "Jonah, I didn't just sleep in Zach's bed. I slept with him." "And that's where you got those from?" He trails his finger up and down my hickeys. "Wow he did a number on you" I nod my head and looked at him. "Are there any others?  I nod my head again. "Where are they?" I closed my door and he sat on the bed. "What I'm about to show you is kinda bad." "It can't be that bad. C'mon it's Zach Herron. What is the worst he could do?" "Jonah it's like really bad. And when I say really bad, I mean really bad. It looks like I a gang beat me up." I pull up my shirt so you could see the rest of my thighs, up to my underwear. "Oh my god Sierra" I looked at him. "I told you it was bad, Jo." He rubs up and down my legs. "Can you help me cover them?" "You are lucky I have 2  sisters I have had to help with this type of thing. Also when Zach got caught with one once." He grabbed makeup from the bathroom and set it all on my bed. "Okay change into the clothes you are going to wear today so I don't get makeup on them. I grab one of the wdw band shirts with 'Avery' on it and a red and black polka-dot skirt. Jonah turned around but I made him turn back around. "Jonah it's not like you haven't seen me changing before. It's okay to look. Every straight male does that." I changed into my clothes and then sat on the bed next to Jonah. "Do you like him?" "I don't know it's complicated" "But it shouldn't have to be." "I do but I also don't. I mean he was my first time" "He was?" "Yeah you are the only other person that knows that I was a virgin before him." "Would you ever go out with him if he asked you out?" Jonah asked me as he covered the marks on my neck. We both looked into each others eyes He leaned in and I didn't stop him. I leaned in and our lips connected, filling the empty space between us. I pulled away and looed at him. "Holy shit. that just happened" We look at each other and giggle. "Damn Jonah you got moves." "Well I've been told I'm slick and I'm also really hot" "One of those things is true and it's not the second one" "Haha so funny Sierra" "I'm obviously joking with you." He finished putting the makeup on my neck and we went back downstairs. "What took you guys so long?" "A Dumb conversation and we lost track of time." "Them we do you have different clothes on?" "Calm down we didn't fuck Jack. We literally just talked and I got dressed cause I looked like I woke up from a 20 year slumber." "Yeah whatever" Zach said sounding kind of mad. "Oh shut it Zachary. You hate me because you aren't as beautiful and smexy as me." He rolls his eyes. "Sierra you have got to stop stealing my shirts" "How do you know that it's yours. "It's bigger than yours." "Well I'm never giving it back so haha stay mad Hoe" "I'm no hoe" "#Jachary says otherwise. but we should probably get going to the mall. It's already noon and we've accomplished absolutely nothing." "What are you our mom?" Corbyn says mimicking me. "C'mon Corbyworby we don't have all day to waste." He grabs a banana and throws it at me. "I thing Zach needs this banana more than me," I pick the banana up and hand it to him, "Choke on it whore" I grab my phone and Jonah follows me to the door. "If you guys aren't outside in 5 minutes, I'm telling Jonah to leave without you guys." He grabs my hand and we walk outside. "Front seat or back seat?" "Mm back seat just to fuck with everyone." We get into the back and everyone else comes outside 2 minutes later. The boys pile in and there was one itty bitty problem. Not everyone would fit in the car. "Jack let me sit on your lap" "Sierra I love you to death, but I'm not letting ur fat ass sit on me." "You are just mad I have a fatty and you are flatter then Kim K before the butt implants." I look at Jonah then I crawl on his lap. "Nuh uh that's not happening" Jack says looking at both of us. "Okay bestie said it was fine. Jonah doesn't care so why should you?" "Because you guys are acting really weird and getting flirty with each other." "Jack it doesn't matter. quit acting like your sister isn't 18 years old. She can make her own decisions and shouldn't need a second opinion from you." "Yeah Jack. It was okay when I was like 13 and living with you guys. But I'm 18. I shouldn't need my bigger and only brother to hold my hand when I make decisions." The rest of the car ride was quiet.

I love you Zach HerronNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ