Hana nodded her head.

"Does anyone know about this?"

Hana nodded her head again

"Yoon Oppa" she mumbled.

"Wha-" jin yelled

"Please don't be mad at him Oppa. I've told him not to tell to anyone. I didn't tell him about this. He found it out on his own. I'm sorry. It's all my fault" tears burn her eyes as she let out a small sob.

"Hey. I'm not mad at yoongi kiddo. I'm just mad at myself for not being there for you when you needed someone to lean on. I should be the one who should apologise to you" he sat on the edge of the bed and hugged around, making sure that he doesn't touch her injured arm.

"It's okay jinnie. You've done enough for me" she smiled, pulling herself away from the hug and kissing his left cheek.

"Jinnie, will you promise me that you'll not tell the others about this?"

Jin stared at her with soft eyes.


"They will be disappointed in me. Especially joonie..." She said and looked down at her lap.

Suddenly she remembered the times when namjoon used to praise her for her talent in singing, dancing and rapping. Also, she was becoming good in her studies too. Namjoon was so proud of her. Hearing this would make him disappointed. That's what she thought.

"Hey, he and the other members won't be disappointed in you. They would try to help you and make stuff better. That's what families are meant for right? To fix the broken hearts of their loved ones"

Hana smiled at him and replayed his words in her head.

"Yes you are right"

Suddenly the door opened revealing a panting namjoon with a bag in his hand.

He handed over the bag to jin and sat on the other side of the bed as jin was sitting on one side.

"Hey. How are feeling now?"


"You should be careful. You shouldn't walk carelessly okay?" He scolded her making the younger pout and nod her head.

"Sorry joonie" she mumbled.

"That's fine. I've got some tteokbokki and fried chicken for you to eat" he grinned at her.

"You cooked it namjoon-ah," jin asked surprisingly

Namjoon nodded his head while scratching his head.

"Wahh!! You didn't burn the kitchen. Did you?"

"That was rude" namjoon whined

Hana silently laughed at the bickering duo.

"Now get out. She has to Change and eat" jin said to namjoon

"Why are you being rude to me" namjoon mumbled and glared at the elder and silently left the room.

"This boy-" jin shook his head and chuckled to himself

"Is it okay if I help you change kiddo?"

"Yes jinnie"

Jin made the younger sit up straight and replaced her tee with a loose shirt and helped her wear the black short skirt.

"I hate wearing skirts" she pouted.

"But you have to wear skirts till your leg gets better. Your leg is swollen kiddo, so it will be difficult to wear a pant" jin said while buttoning up her shirt.

She thanked him once he completed his work. Jin smiled and ruffled her hair.

He placed the food boxes on the table next to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Jin took the tteokbokki with the chopsticks and started feeding her.

"Is it good?"

"Yes. I didn't know that joonie Oppa can cook" she said

"Even he doesn't know that he can cook without burning down the kitchen" jin sighed and fed her another bite.

Hana laughed, choking on her food.
Jin patted her head and gave her some water to drink.

"Thank you so much for helping me today Oppa"

"Yahh!! You are thanking me too much today. I'm just doing my job" he smiled and nodded his head.

Hana simply laughed unable to reply to him.

"Shall we head home? The others must be waiting for you"

"Yes jinnie"

2nd June 2012 – 5:20 PM:

Jin entered the dorm while holding Hana so that she can walk with his support.

Taehyung and Jimin ran towards her and engulfed her in a huge hug. The poor girl stumbled back, but jin caught her.

"Yahh!! Don't push her" he scolded the soulmates and they pulled away from the hug.

"How are you?" They asked at the same time.

"I'm good. Look I can walk a little" she grinned at them.

Soon the others members also joined them and talked for a while.

At night, they had dinner together after a long day

After a few hours, jin took the girl to one of the bedrooms and made her lie on the bed.

"I'm not sleeping with joonie today?" She asked

"He'll join you in a few minutes. This bed is comfier than the other beds so I thought you should sleep here" he replied


Jin placed his index finger on her lips and glared at her. But the younger was not scared of him. Instead, she broke into a chuckle.

"Do you wanna change?"

"No jinnie. These clothes itself is so comfy. Also, I'm so sleepy now" she yawned

"Good night jinnie"

Jin covered the girl with a blanket and leaned forward, kissing her forehead fondly.

"Good night love"

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