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Two days time skip

It is finally the day when Y/n will meet her father-in-law and once again her mother in law. Y/n had already pre-packed a swimsuit to match her now 8 weeks pregnant body so she is taking a shower with her husband Jin (nothing naughty). When they are finished getting dressed they had their brekkie and went on their way.

(Y/n's baby bump was visible in the outfit she wore but what she had planned for Hyunin was on another level

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(Y/n's baby bump was visible in the outfit she wore but what she had planned for Hyunin was on another level.)

The ride was silent so Jin decided to break it

Jin: babe
Y/n: hmm
Jin: what gender do you think the baby is?
Y/n: boy 🤩
Jin: I think girl
Y/n: it's definitely a boy
Jin: if it's a boy I owe u a pack of sweets, a massage and I'll do the house chores for a week.

(he's damn serious about the gender 😶)

Y/n: if it's a girl?
Jin: then you'll have to watch a horror movie with me
Y/n: deal (baby u better be a boy *internal crying*)

10 minutes after and they arrived

10 minutes after and they arrived

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Jin: baby we are here

I scanned the place and just nodded with a "hm". He came around to my side and helped me out while carrying our bag.

As we reach on the porch I rest a peck on his lips and he gave me a heart warming smile.

As we reach on the porch I rest a peck on his lips and he gave me a heart warming smile

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~Ding dong~


The door opened revealing a middle aged man with a very ecstatic expression.

?:My son!

He said as he looked at Jin, pulling him into a tight hug. Well he has been away for months and he must be overjoyed to finally see his son again.
As they pulled out his eyes landed on me.

Mr. Kim: is this my daughter in law *cold*
Jin: yes father
Mr. Kim: omo she's so pretty!! Nice to meet you my child, I'm Mr. Kim but call me appa, please come in
Y/n: nice to meet you Mr- appa, I'm Xang Y/n-
Jin: she was Xang Y/n but now she's Kim Y/n *peck my forehead*

Mr. Kim shook his head with a smile at his son's behaviour and welcomed them inside

 Kim shook his head with a smile at his son's behaviour and welcomed them inside

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Mr. Kim: my wife is out with Hyunin they'll be back in some time but make yourself comfortable
Jin: ok father
Mr. Kim: Y/n dear, How is Jin, is he a hand full?
Y/n: *chuckle* he's very sweet and caring, I'm really lucky to have such a husband but he's sometimes a baby and hard to manage
Mr. Kim: like father like son, I'm so proud

Jin: father we have good news for you 
Mr. Kim: are you finally gonna play another round of minigolf? *smirk*
Jin: no! the last time is because u cheat
Mr. Kim: there's no cheating son it's just life 

They were going back and forth about it so I just cleared my throat

Jin: oh right the news, father, we are pregnant!!
Me: 🤨????!!
Jin: *gulp* I mean Y/n is pregnant
Mr. Kim: *emotionless*

he become frozen which was unexpected and this was making me tremble a bit thinking negative

Jin: dad?
Mr. Kim: I'm gonna be a grandfather?..... I'm gonna be a grandfather!!!!

He grabbed me carefully into a hug and I was on the verge of crying from all this love

20 minutes we engaged and talked and all, and in just and hour Mr. Kim and I seemed to have known each other for a year.

The door opened and the two ladies who I never wanted to see again walked right inside.

My Rejectful In-Law~ K.SJWhere stories live. Discover now