[39] neither can live while the other survives

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
chapter thirty-nine!
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

( insatiable, pt

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( insatiable, pt. i )


DOMINIC RUBS AT his neck uncomfortably, his fingers tracing over the claw marks rimmed in dried blood against the ridges of his spine. He's scarcely managed to sit still since the Nogitsune and Stiles had split into two beings and the former had taken Lydia. Vera knows that he could easily cry into his hand and use his healing abilities to mend the crescent-shaped wounds, but he doesn't seem able to muster up any tears.

She can't blame him. They're all in a state of shock and unease. Melissa is upstairs examining Stiles, checking his vitals to see if there's anything supernatural about them. Deaton had left to check on Aiden, Ethan, and Isaac; apparently, the Nogitsune had infected them to enhance their bloodlust, and they'd all gone after each other. It's a sick kind of distraction for what had really mattered— finding Stiles.

Vera perches on the arm of the chair that Scott sits in, her arms folded and fingers tapping restlessly against the sleeve of her sweater. It's funny how time always seems to move so slowly during moments of near-paralyzing apprehension. The clock above the television ticks each time a second passes, but Vera swears each one feels like eons.

Then a realization slams into her. In all of the chaos of the past... oh, week or so, she'd completely forgotten to tell Scott—

"I met your Good Samaritan," she blurts without thinking twice.

Her words are met with silence for a moment as both boys process her words. Dom blinks as if coming out of a daydream, but Scott's head rears back in shock.

"You — what?"

"I met your Good Samaritan," Vera repeats. She shifts a little so she's turned toward him. "The person who's been leaving notes in your locker."

"Who is it?" he asks, a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

"Well, I was talking to her, but she wouldn't tell me her name, then Sebastian Balotelli came over," Vera explains. "He called her Kai."

Scott's face remains blank as he rifles through his memories for any trace of that name.

"Kai?" Dom questions. "Around my height, black hair?" When Vera nods, he continues, "Yeah, that's Kaito McCoy. She's in our grade— we were Chem partners last year. I think she moved here in January or something. Right before we got back from winter break."

Vera blinks. Blink again as the information sinks into her. Then she stares down at Scott, her face full of incredulity. "McCoy? Scott. Your Good Samaritan has been your locker neighbor this whole time and you didn't notice?"

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