19-The Revelation

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"Hey, I promised him I would keep him alive for his daughter's sake!" The driver spoke.

"His daughter's better off without him. I'll collect her and take her to the other kids, don't worry. Besides, I hated his glasses,"

"He wasn't wearing glasses,"

"That's the thing, he should wear glasses. Much more secretive look."

"You're insane,"

"Yet you love me,"

"That I do."

"So, where are we going?"

"In a dark alley."

"Can I get a bit more precise location?"


"Wait, you don't trust me! Why?"

"I don't know...must have something to do with a certain guy named Clifford Courtenay."

"That is, my husband. You're feeling insecure, I like it."

"I just need to check who you are loyal to,"


"You'll see."

"Your methods are excruciatingly painful."

"Do I sense fear?"

"You wish. And what was the meaning of 'lay off my girl'? I am not your girl!"

"You know...to make it sound like Mr. Anonymous really cared for his partner in crime."

"Does he not?"

"He does. But they don't know that. Did you leave the note in your purse and left it in your ward?"


"Good. The CCTVs will do the rest."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the smart one, guess it," he pulled over the car in a dark alley and stepped out of it. He opened the car door and pulled Lyric out. He pulled his arm around her neck pulled her. "Where is she. Tell me or I'll strangle you,"

"Who-" Lyric managed through his tight grip.

"Lyric Bouvier, where is she?"

"I killed her!" he tightened his grip.

"I want the truth!"

"I swear I killed her. I thought you were dead and I was mad because it was her fault, so I killed her." He let go of her.

"Had to check if it was really you."

"You couldn't identify me?"

"It could be someone pretending to be you. A smart trap by the cops."

"And what was the point of leaving the note in my ward?"

"In case you didn't go back..."

"I am An, okay? Antsiyanah da Silva. The same girl from the orphanage who you met when you were ten. Who you got married with when you were nineteen."

"Who got married with a rich man the year she thought I died."

"Do you seriously think I married Cliff just because he was rich?"


"Then you are completely right. And because he was handsome. And friendly too. Not the point. How are you alive?"

"You are so sure I am alive. That I am not someone wearing a mask of my face."

"I have to believe in the best,"

WHO-The Tale of Mrs. AnonymousWhere stories live. Discover now