A Knight's Sleepover. (Meta Knight X Reader)

Start from the beginning

I could see him taking a stand, so he approached me and said, "I appreciate you taking the time for me," Meta Knight recalled. "Yeah, Sure." you answered as you stared at him. He then studied you, knowing that you clearly despise it. "I know you don't trust me, and that's quite fair." he says, "but come on, I have some tea on the table for you, or if you're an alcoholic, you can have some of that wine, I live alone." You fought hard not to blush at how adorable he is acting, but this can't be, right? You're meant to dislike him.

"Ah fine, I'll have tea." You both strolled across the grey stone road bordered with tulips, as you mentioned. The house's exterior has a beautiful look as well as knightly elements. If it was truly him who did it, he wasn't playing as a knight.. he was grabbing your hand tightly and wouldn't let go. When he opened the door, you noticed a lot of sweets in the cupboards, which was obviously going to happen.

You took notice of the tea on the table and sat calmly waiting for him to arrive. "This is going to be awkward because I have to remove my mask to drink." He said as he was walking. Is he insecure? "That's ok, I don't suppose that I mind." You said. "You definitely found the right guy who doesn't give a damn." You repeated yourself. "Si.!" Meta Knight replied.

You took your first sip on the tea, it was really flavoured, He took off his mask, making it the first time you saw a really close look of his face.. he's certainly not a human body, but somebody that has a face simple to draw. Not gonna lie, he looks cute.

Why is this escalating fast?

You never had a conversation with him at this table yet, and you weren't planning to do so, and you sipped all of your tea and cleaned the cup on the dishwasher, soon exploring the high floor.

You opened the door to Meta Knight's bedroom, and it'll most likely be yours as well for the night. You butted one of the knight aspects off your path by using your feet, and sat on the bed feeling irritated he's obviously trying to make you approve him, he didn't turn out as horrible as you thought in your brain when you were at your house, and this is just ridiculous.

It wasn't long until you heard Meta Knight's footsteps coming up the stairs, he entered the room and was greeted by your bright gaze; he grinned and sat down on the bed; you avoided your gaze when he smirked; he was staring at you deeply, sensing that you were bothered by something. "I apologise for bringing this up, but you appear irritated, might I show you anything to distract you from your thoughts?" In a deep spanish tone, Meta Knight remarked. You rolled your eyes and said, "sure whatever."

The reason why you were irritated is because you didn't want to be here in the first place.. because Meta Knight brings up a sleepover idea between you and him when the teacher said, "how do I fix both of y'all's friendship?".. Meta Knight loves you but you don't share the same.

As Meta Knight searched for something, you heard a clang noise. "My weapon, Galaxia," He said. "[Y/N].. my friend, meet galaxia." "I hope this interests you," he said, as you glanced at Galaxia, who was glowing and looked genuine, not like some awful plastic sword he shows. "Wait, is this proof that you're a Knight?" Looking up and down at him, you said. "I battled for a different planet, and I lived somewhere else, which is why I'm not constructed here at earth." he says, "but I needed a place to remain, so here I am in Earth."

What about discrimination?

"I hope everything in your hometown is okay." You mentioned. "Very soon," He says. As Kirby was dealing with that, Meta Knight said. "Did you have to leave your hometown?" You said. "My king expelled me from the realm because I was growing too knowledgeable to be able to destroy the monsters in my community when Kirby was near death... I know every action." He said. "Who is Kirby?" you inquired. "A literal god, i assisted in training that pink puff, he is a star warrior; and there aren't many star warriors left," he remarked. You sighed a lot at him. "I'm hoping Kirby is doing well." You said. He answered, "Me too," and then you said the last question, "why are you in school, you look old?" He replied with, "I just wanna keep up with earth's society." And then he walked out of the room.

✨𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖪𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖨𝗌 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌✨ - Meta Knight X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now