Chapter 3 Hunting

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I woke up after great nights sleep at least that I've had in a long time. When I finally opened my eyes enough I noticed Daryl was still in the sleeping bag with me but this time my head was laid on his chest and he had an arm around me.

Before I could move to get up, I heard a knocking on our tent and Rick made his way in.

Daryl woke up hearing the knocking and awkwardly shook me off of his chest and sat up.

"Oh I'm sorry..." Rick started to say. "

"Sorry bout what nothin happened." Daryl spatt

"Oh I came to wake you guys cause we don't have any food for dinner and I was wondering if you could go and hunt before everyone else gets up." Rick asked

"She ain't comin with me" Daryl said angrily.

"Come on Daryl. It couldn't hurt to have alittle help sometimes" Rick said.

"I'm better on my own, 'sides she jus gonna be a bother." Daryls said. I ignored the rednecks comment and started getting my knives ready.

"Daryl for once just hear me out" Rick said.

Daryl groaned. Which was his way of saying fine in the moment. Rick nodded as if saying thank you and walked out of tent to the house.

"So I'm a bother to you now is that it?" I asked kind of pissed he was acting like this.

Daryl chewed on his toenail before turning around and grabbing his crossbow.

"We better get goin for every one gets up" he said while slinging his bow over his shoulder and unzipping the tent.

We made our way into the woods. I enjoyed the cool morning air and the chirping birds. Sometimes it felt as if the dead weren't still walking around, but I never felt like this when I was by myself. When I was by myself I always had my guard up always staying completely silent and not just for walkers but for people too. People are worse now a days than those creepy bastards.

"Thanks" Daryl said interrupting my thoughts.

I gave him a confused look. "For what?"

"Last night." He said. I assuming he was talking about me giving him the sleeping bag.

"It's not a big deal really." He nodded before shushing me and pointing his finger a squirrel at the bottom of the tree just near the creek we were standing at the opposite side of.

He then raised his crossbow ready to shoot. Before I sent my knife flying through the air.

"Got'em" I said with a smirk

Daryl lowered his crossbow and look at me. His blue eyes piercing mine. The look in his normally hard eyes went soft for a split second before going back to normal. I looked to see him accidentally slip a smile and go right back to his normal hard line.

"You should do that more often" I said

"I don't know what yer talkin bout"

"Smile. Dare you should smile more often." I said scanning his eyes for any sign but they were still hard.

"Ain't nothing to smile bout, sunshine." He said before walking over to the now dead squirrel.

"Sure found something last night." I chuckled. "You were smiling up a storm when you were sleeping"

He groaned before taking out the knife wipping the blood and handing it back.

"Nice shot" he started "nailed him right 'tween the eyes." I blushed.

After we got done hunting. We began walking back having around 13 squirrels. Daryl killing around 7 of them.

When we got back to camp I was greeted by Carol who had a huge smile on her face as she grabbed the squirrels from Daryl to give to the rest of the women to cook.

"Thank you" she said mostly to me.
I gave her a slight nod before pointing to Daryl "he did most the work you should really thank him."
Daryl just nodded toward her and continued walking back to the tent.

I on the other hand decided I should get to know everyone so I decided to sit with the rest of the group at the camp fire.

They looked as if someone had died and I'm not gonna lie it scared the shit outta me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"We have a problem" Rick said before continuing "Randall has escaped and he slipped his handcuffs."

"Who the hells Randall".

They told me about how he had thus Group who did things to women and how they had him locked up and how Daryl had to beat him to get him to fess up.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"We need to get groups out to search for him." Rick started "You, Glenn and Daryl can go track for him. Shane and I will go search the fields. As for the rest of the group get in the house and lock all the doors." He said sternly. "Now I need you to get Daryl for me."

I nodded before going off to the direction of our tent.

This was going to be an interesting night.

Damaged Lovers (a Daryl Dixon love story x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن