Issa groupchat

85 3 1

Nicolette: everybody guess what

Oak: your divorcing Leslie because when you met him you thought he was a women as well

Nicolette: no I don't like women like that

Groffy: it's been so long I've forgot about this chat

Jazzy: AHHHHH I just had the best wake up call ever



Emmy: are you gonna tell us about it

Jazzy: sorry I don't fuck and tell

Oak: well you've failed horribly at that we now know what happened and that's is all the info I need a good day

pippa: I'm Sorry nico but what did you have to say

Nicolette: I'm pregnant bitches

Emmy: can I pls be an aunt 🙏🏽

jazzy: no have your own I'm the aunt

Emmy: you don't have to be aggressive about it 😒

Pippa: jazzy you can make your own as well, then I can be an aunt to all your children

Jazzy: didn't think about it that way ANTHONY

Anthony: sí

Jazzy: let's have a baby 😁

Anthony: que?

Jazzy: you heard me man

Anthony: me no hablo ingles

Oak: ik you Fukn lying

Ariana: oop

Emmy: excuse me sir who states he is dating me




Emmy: you bitch

Jazzy: Emmy will you take my hand in holy matrimony

Emmy: 😫 yes I would be happy to, can we have a baby?

Jazzy:....... Yes my love I can never say no to you

Emmy: pull up right now

Jazzy: you don't even have to drop the attie I already know where you at

Daveed: I didn't even answer

Jazzy: took to long can't keep a beautiful girl waiting

Ariana: anyway while this thruple sorts our there problems do you know the gender yet

Nicolette: no but that's why I was texting you disrespectful heathens to ask if you wanted to come

Emmy: only if I can help plan it

Nicolette: well now that you mention it I was just going to do a small house get together with a balloon so why not

Oak: I thought you were having your own baby?

Emmy: my baby daddies have problems they need to work out I'm just the oven

Groffy: either way the baby will be gorgeous with good looks

Pippa: look who came back to life

Groffy: your one to speak, bitch you been missing yourself

Ariana: kinda giving you'll float two but only people with a brain can understand that one

Anthony: what you trying to say

Oak: oh now you can speak English

Anthony: must be a malfunction in the system

Pippa: what your whore-o-metor

Nicolette: 😭

Ariana: 🥶

Oak: 😂

Anthony: ain't even gone cap that was good

Groffy: where's Leslie

Nicolette: putting together some furniture

Jasmine: I hope it ain't from IKEA cause that's just a rage waiting to happen

Anthony: believe me I've seen it

Jasmine: how they gone give me 24 screws when the damn dresser requires 32 it don't add up

Anthony: amor don't worry that's why god made task rabbit

Groffy: AHHHHHH AmOr I'm sorry I have to go take a cold shower

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