
A pure and destructive one.

He feared those men, those hunters. He was scared of what they could do to him. But most important, he was scared of the way he was accepting this easily the fact that he'd die soon.

Jimin had never thought of dying, but he sometimes... No, he often asked himself why he had to be like this. 

A femboy.

A faggot.

A shortie.

A womanizer.

A scroudge's son. 

A piece of shit.

An asshole. 

A slut. 

A whore.

All those words were ringing inside his head. Those words were spat by people who were supposedly close to him, pretending those insults were only jokes, but it still affected the young male. 

Why did he have to be like this ? Why did he have to become someone people would hate ?

Jimin cried. He cried for all those hurtful moments, he cried for those bad times, he cried for his unvisible scars, he cried for the days he took a rasor and tried but failed to cut himself. He cried, and he felt like every single tear held a bad memory, he was letting them go. 

Not forgetting them, but letting his emotions out because they were held inside for too long.

After a moment, Jimin finally calmed himself. He looked around. The moon was still shining brightly, but Jimin somehow felt like it had been years since he looked at the stars. Jimin let his head rest on the tree trunk and looked at the fire orbs shining bright in the the dark sky. 

That's when he realised he felt alone, at this right moment. No one to tell him he was loved. No one to -"MOCHI !" He heard a voice and jolted.

"MOCHI ?! YOU THERE ?!" He heard another familiar voice screaming. 

They were looking for him. Jimin shuddered as he tried his best to hide, climbing in the tree he was previously sitting next to. The young male went up enough to be hidden by branches, but not too high, to see if people were close to the tree. As he looked down, he saw a grey haired man, looking around. 

"Mochi, I know you're here. I can feel your fear. Come down please, we do not want to kill you, you're not our target." Jimin panicked, he still didn't know the hunters' abilities. A dark brown haired man came next to Yoongi.

 "Listen, darling, there's a big misunderstanding. We were not ordered to kill you, we just have to make sure you won't reveal our identities. We only need to keep you close to us. I promise on Yoongi's life that I won't hurt you." He said, placing a hand on his heart, putting his other hand in the air. 

The other man gasped "JUNG FUCKING HOSEOK ! I fucking dare you to say that again." the brown haired turned to face the grey haired man "I, Jung hoseo-" The grey man scoffed. "That's it. I, Min Yoongi, promise on Hoseok's life I won't hurt you." Jimin giggled at the ridiculous actions, but put a hand on his mouth as he realised what he did. 

The two men looked up at him, and smiled "Chim, We know you're scared, and it's okay. But we are not here to hurt you, okay ?" Hoseok said, extending a hand for Jimin to reach. Jimin widened his eyes, shaing his head violently. "I'll end up hurt. I don't want to be hurt again."

Yoongi sighed and looked at the youngest. "Hey, I'm gonna tell you a secret. but this is gonna stay between us 3. I'll tell you why I became a vampire."



I know it's been long since I posted...

BUT I have an excuse : FUCKING EXAMS !!!!

I'm sorr, 'kay ? Please forgive me *puppy eyes*

I'm sorr, 'kay ? Please forgive me *puppy eyes*

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ANYGAY, hope you enjoyed !!!!

(feels like me when I got in front of my subjects

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(feels like me when I got in front of my subjects... yuyu)


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