A Second Chance

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The professor walked down a few of the museum steps making his way towards us. "Mr. Wolf and Y/N may be beasts," "Thank you." you said which earned a slight glare from Diane. At the sudden action you just smirked. "Basically walking garbage—" (Oh thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage~) Marmalade stopped, and turned to us, and said, "Sorry. I'm making a point."

You and Wolf both shrugged. "Do what you need to do, pal."

" But how can we say they're hopeless,"  Marmalade asked, performing for the group of people and reporters who had gathered around, " If they've never been given the chance?"

There was a din of conversation, everyone trying to figure out what he was talking about. marmalade held up his hands, urging patience from the crowd. "What If we tried a little experiment, Diane? As you know, my gala for goodness, the—hashtag—charity event of the year, is coming up. If I can prove to everyone at the gala that the bad guys have changed, will you set them free and give them a clean start?"

The crowd gasped. Before The governor could reply, the police chief rushed over.

"What?? No! No no no. Professor, don't you see what they're doing? They're playing you."

"But it was my idea!" Marmalade argued.

You then stepped in, "It was his idea."  you agreed, displaying a smile similar to Wolf's.

Everyone then watched to see what the governor's response would be. Finally, she held up a finger and said her piece. "Professor, I am not about to put the safety of our city on the line for an experiment."

You broke in, your voice like silk. " Excuse me, Madame Governor, I seem to remember that a wise person once said, 'Even trash can be recycled into something beautiful.'"

You then smirked, seeing that your words were working on her.

"Okay," she said eventually. "I'm game..."

The police chief was horrified. "No!"

"But," Diane added, " We'll hold on to the dolphin until the gala... just to remove any unnecessary temptation."

"Of course!" Professor Marmalade agreed. "Good thinking. That's why you're governor!" The tiny rodent passed the golden dolphin to the chief as both yours and Wolf's eyes tracked its course.

"Now that everyone's happy..."

"Grrr!"  the police chief said, stamping a foot. "I'm! Not! Happy!"

The little guinea pig beamed for the crowd. "I, Rupert Marmalade Fourth, will turn the bad guys into... THE GOOD GUYS!" The crowd erupted in cheers, and golfed Professor Marmalade as soon as he heard those magic words.

Behind him, you and Wolf had slipped out of your cuffs, then stepped into the police van. He gently took your hand and guided you up the steps inside. " I think these belong to you." you said, handing them back to the police chief. Then you tipped your hand and Diane's Direction and winked. Which earned an eye roll from Diane.

Diane winked back. "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it. N/N."

Inside the police wagon, the remaining four were scared and bewildered at us. They were confused and angry, wondering what on Earth you guys I just did, what kind of bargain did Wolf get all of them roped into. "Uh, Wolf? Y/N?" Snake snapped. "What are you doing?"

"What?" Wolf asked nonchalantly. You glanced over at him and everyone stared at him waiting for a real answer. "Oh, that!" I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious."  He paused, then added, "We're going to go good."

"What?" Even you were confused, that was not what you were picking up minutes before.

"Uhh..." Webs gaped at him. "You totally lost me."

Go bad or Go HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora