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I'm blaming that era in my life where the guy I like is always present in my dreams for this sudden word vomit😂
And to think that it's too long is...wow. Just wow😆

Where people believe that dreaming about the person you like for nine days straight meant they liked you back.


"Hey...I know this is too sudden but I wanna be honest with you. I..."

Mark held his breath as he waited for Vee's next words, while Vee's beautiful eyes staring intensely at his'.

"I love you...do you feel the same way?"

He was taken aback. He felt as if time stopped at the moment.



He was about to answer when someone cut him off.

"Mark! Wake up!"

He gritted his teeth when he felt something cold running down on his body, making him shiver.

He didn't have a choice but to get up involuntarily.

When he noticed Fuse, his friend, holding an empty bucket, he

"How dare you!" he yelled, throwing his pillows on his friend before he immediately took his towel and walk towards his bathroom.

"I'm sorry. You wouldn't wake up no matter how I call you so I did what I did," he heard his friend explained.

He entered the bathroom without replying to his friend, who annoyed the hell out of him. He immediately turned on the shower to calm his nerves down, to cool his boiling blood.

His friend woke him up by throwing him a bucket of cold water!

But that's not the main reason why he's too annoyed at his friend.

He's annoyed because his friend ruined his dream!

In his dream, Vee confessed to him again! Vee Vivis! His Vee!

He's been dreaming about his Vee for six consecutive days now, and all dreams are about Vee, confessing to him.

But before he could confess, there would always something that will cut him.

The first day and second day, it was his alarm.  So before he slept, he turned off his alarm, not minding the consequences of being late for his class.

On the fourth day, it was his loud ringtone that interrupted his dream. It was James, one of his friends, who called him.

And many other disturbance.

It's been like that, every day. Destiny would always find a way to stop him from confessing. It's seriously frustrating for Mark. He still couldn't confess his feelings for his Vee—even in his dreams.

"Ahh!" he pulled his wet hair out of frustration, before he focused on cleaning himself for school.

After taking a bath, he immediately went to his now wet room and changed into his school uniform. After that, he went outside, and there, he saw the reason why he's on a bad mood, eating his food.

"You hungry?" his shameless friend asked.

He look at him darkly, "I shouldn't have let you stay at my condo."

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