"Good. I hate you more. Will you please enlighten me on how exactly I did that?" I say dragging the scalpel down the side of his face.

"9 years ago," I cut him off as I start laughing. "You stupid little girl, you were stupid then and even more stupid now. There was a tunnel leading out of the house from the safe room, that's how we escaped. But not before one of the cabinets in the room fell on her. You paralyzed her from the neck down." He looks behind me at Grey and laughs. "You think he loves you? I knew you were stupid, but I have got to tell you, I didn't know the extent until now. His father and I,"

"Yes, I know the two fucking retards we have as fathers made a contract for us to be wed. Anything else you want to let us know that we don't already old man?" I say taking the scalpel and slicing down his arm as he yells in pain.

He spits at me, and I dodge it. "Valentino, did you know that she can't have kids," he laughs, thinking he's one-up me. "You're wasting your time with suck a pathetic girl."

Grey steps forward and I block him with my hand. Camilo laughs again and I grab his face. "You're looking to lose another eye, aren't you pirate?" I say, pressing on the stitches where his now missing eye used to be. His body tenses under my touch and I smile.

"Why did you do this to me? Why'd you take away my chance of creating a family? What did you get out of it?"

"Did you think I'd honor an alliance with that pathetic excuse of a man that your lover has as a father?"

"And you think you're any better?" I scoff before realization overcomes me, "Wait...so you're telling me you did this so that I wouldn't carry on the legacy of the same people you were marrying your daughter off to?"

"Ding, ding, we have a winner. I guess you're not so pathetic after all."

I drag the scalpel down his nose, detaching his nostrils from his face. He yells in agony, but he'd never know pain as I do. "What have I ever done to you to deserve any of this?"

"You survived and he didn't."

"He? What are you talking about?"

"Y-your twin." Evelyn struggles to get out.

"Your mother was pregnant with twins; you and your brother but he died during birth, and we ended up getting the short end of the stick. You. You should have died, not him. He was going to do great things-"

He yells as I smash his head against the wall. His head hangs low as he groans, and I walk over to the table. I grab the machete and walk over to Evelyn.

"I know you can't feel this and you've no idea how much I wish you could, but it gives me happiness like you've never known either way," I say as I stand in front of her. Her eyes roam my face before she struggles to say, "I'm sorry." Her voice resembles that of a frog's croaks.

"Oh, you are, let me think about it." I say, bending closer to her face, "I'm not." I raise the machete and slam it down on her wrist as Camilo yells. I do the same to her other wrist. I turn the wheelchair around so she's facing my bastard father as he continues to fight against the chains.

Grabbing the gun from the table, I stand behind Evelyn, pressing my gun to her head as she weeps. "Any last words mother dearest?"

"I love," the bullet enters her throat, and he screams. "Ironic, isn't it? this day, 9 years ago I was only a little girl with one thought. To rid the world of you. That happens today." I say as I walk over to him, drenched in his wife's blood.

Machete in one hand, and the gun in the other. "It's a pity you didn't love your children even 5% of how you loved your pathetic wife." I raise the machete and drag it down his torso, making an 'X'. I shoot him in both hands and feet before I take the scalpel from my pocket and carve mine and Xile's names into his arms. I push the scalpel into his cheek and watch as the blood pours out.

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