Chapter 2- The Confession

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Nathan and Heidi went to a nearby coffee shop. It wasn't one of those huge well-known coffee shops where it would be buzzing with people. Instead, they went to a small, quaint coffee shop with much lesser crowd where they can actually talk and enjoy the coffee.

"I did not recognize you earlier. You have changed a lot and it's for the better. I think I remember you in Chemistry lab when we were in first year high school. I was so scared to light up the gas valve because I imagined the thing to blow up in my face. I didn't want to die burning, and so I had to ask people to do it for me. You were the only one who did it for me, though. All of our classmates were making fun of me. I was so pathetic," Heidi elaborated as she rolled her eyes.

"No, don't say that. It was a little amusing of you, but you were never pathetic," Nathan said, and this made her smile.

"Was that the first time we actually talked? I mean we have been classmates since elementary but we don't really talk to everyone in class, right?"

"No, that was not the very first time we talked to each other. I think it was back in sixth grade, that one time during recess and you were playing Chinese garter with the other girls in class and as you were jumping up and down, your left shoe flew in the air landing on my head." He told the story with such animation and amusement.

"Oh right! It was so embarrassing! I grabbed my shoe and ran back up to our classroom. I didn't know what to say. Everyone was laughing at me. I had to hide. That was the reason why I was always wearing rubber shoes. I did not want to end up with another shoe flying off my foot." They both laughed like they had been friends all these years.

"Yeah. That was why you didn't talk to me at all. Glad we had Chemistry lab together. That was when we started to talk and hang out together as friends." Nathan reminisced. Heidi was reminded of how Nathan always had that sparkle in his eyes when he laughs. She realized she missed hanging out with him.

"What is it with you and your flying stuff?" Nathan commented and they both started laughing. They kidded with one another the way they used to. They almost forgot they used to be best friends back when they were in their first year in high school. But both did not know exactly how they came to be strangers by the time second year high school started.

"So I still don't know what you do for a living," Nathan chimed as they settled their drinks on their table.

"I am actually an events coordinator. All kinds of events but mostly birthdays and weddings. Sometimes I emcee on the side, but I usually work behind the scenes. How about you? A travel magazine photographer. Wow. That sounds very exciting. I have always wanted to travel around the world but I never got to doing much of it. Must be wonderful to see so many things and experience the world," Heidi's voice was filled with amazement.

"I love my job because I get to meet a lot of different people and be inspired by their love stories and love for life and celebrations. Still, I wish I could exchange jobs with you even just for a month," she added.

"Well, sometimes I'm glad I have this job, but it's really tiring in some ways. You know, having to travel everyday—packing and unpacking. No time to settle down in a certain place even if you loved it there. Not much connection with people because you already have to leave again. It gets exhausting to think that I don't exactly have close friends anymore that I can really talk to. You would not want to be in my shoes in the long run. Kind of gets lonely, really," Nathan confided in Heidi.

"Don't you travel with someone from work?" she asked.

"Sure I do but we know we're travelling for work, if you know what I mean. There are just some places that are a waste not to see with someone you really care about. But I guess I should be thankful that I got to see them at least once in my life, right? I am such an ungrateful bastard," Nathan said, and they both chuckled.

Why Can't I Hate You (Tentative Title)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora