Start from the beginning

After some time, you finally reached that isle and immediately in search of the said eggs.

You still looked around the shelfs; looking up and down, narrow and wide, being speechless if the eggs wasn't here or already empty on stock. And with no luck, you gave up looking and only sighed.

"Trying to find this?" A deep voice suddenly spoke making you rose a brow.

You turned around, then immediately sighed heavily.

"What do you want, Spain?" You said nonchalantly, feeling like the world is turning upside down just the thought of you existing. You have no idea why god is turning against you, you didn't do anything.. right?
Only shrugging the thought off and man up, you tilted your head to the side and crossed your arms, awaiting his answer.

"Whats it to you, estúpido?" He responded with a bit of aggression. You only now just realized he was waving a pack of eggs in the air for your attention.

You furrowed your eyebrows at his choice of actions and hummed.
"Where did you find them?" You asked, trying to see if he'll even tell you- hell, even do a fraction of kindness to somebody infamously like you.

"Somewhere." Was the only thing this dumbass answered. Even though you expected this, the annoyance still grew bigger. You opened your mouth since you got alot to say- but you immediately got cut off by him.

"Look, perra. I'm not here to hear your little 'ol seductive speech your about to say," He quickly started.

She's making the rumors on you and this is one of them?

Well.. this is stranger than you thought it would. I mean, you didn't even knew what you were expecting in the first place but this was a bit too.. odd.

"So just listen, I'm only here to ask where Philippines is. Her knight in shining armor was about to give her some free food; and a bet'cha she's waiting to give me a kiss afterwards."
He continued with a snarky grin, showing off his tiny sharp teeth with high confidence radiating from him.

You eyed his cart and saw a surprising amount of food he has in it. And you can't even want to comprehend how he's just giving all of that for one kiss.

a fucking kiss.

"All of that food just for a kiss?" You asked boldly without thinking.

"Uhm.. yeah?" He answered confusedly as if it's the most obvious question yourself would've even guessed already.

You shake your head.

"Okay, look- I don't know where the hell she is. Why did you even ask me anyway?" You asked, trying to change the topic because how stupid it was.

"Are you serious? I know you're bothering her 24/7 because you're jealous of her. C'mon, don't lie you don't know where she is." He answered with his hand on his hip, finally putting the egg to the cart.

Oh my god, you gotta be fucking kidding me. You don't want to snap at a supermarket,
not again.

"I have literally only saw her once this morning 'cause she bumped into me, and we parted ways. And today is the only time I've actually saw her in weeks." You quickly defended, gritting your teeth with pure anger in your very own eyes.

"Maybe go ask her two dumb brothers so they can confirm that shit since they watch over her 24/7, cabrón." You ended with venom in your tone before walking away with your cart, angrily huffing.

At least learning a bit of spanish came of use for once.

Looking around one more time, you finally saw the egg batch and yanked them out and put it in your cart. gently.
then stomped out of the isle.

You eyed your list and strip some of them off with your pen, then continuing to walk elsewhere.
You started to inhale and exhale repeatedly as a way to relief your stress and anger. It wasn't a thing you first did, this habit has happened for a long time and it didn't really fail you; thank god.

You then went into another isle and examine the surrounding products. After a few seconds, you found one of the thing you're looking for and walked towards it.

You smiled in content when you saw it turned out to be on sale. Not second thinking it, you grabbed multiple of it.
You heard footsteps and the clinking of a cart stopping beside you, but you didn't pay any mind and still mind your business.

After some time, you looked down at the piece of paper again and grabbed the pen in your pocket, then strip it off. You then gazed at the other bunch of things that hasn't been stripped off yet, thinking throughly where they could be.

You looked beside you to analyze the other products. And thankfully, one of the things your looking for is also over here!

You quickly snatched them but accidentally dropped it, resulting it falling to the ground.

"Oh, you must've dropped this." The unknown person beside you said and crouched down to grab the said product.

"Yeah! I'm so sorry, you didn't need to do that, heh." You announced sheepishly, still awkwardly standing there with your hand scratching the back of your neck; waiting for them.

"No worries, it's just a mistake." They quickly responded with utter kindness, making your mood feel alot better.

"Here." They stood up and handed it to you.



You both stared at eachother with wide eyes, feeling oblivious and suprised.

There was a long pause, neither was moving a muscle.

And your mood just fell. Again.

You stated, dropping off your happy-go-lucky tone.

He growled.

"Didn't think i would meet my ex again." His voice went low, gripping the thing he was about to give you.

You clicked your tongue.

"Neither did i."

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