"What's the rush Granger? I just got here," he says stepping closer to me. I almost choke on the cologne he was drowning in.

"And now I'm leaving," I say grabbing my bag. I walk past him and speed walk out the doors. The heads dorm is unfortunately on the seventh floor. I practically run up the stairs trying to lose him.

"Granger wait up," he says. I can tell he's a couple steps away from me, but I don't look back. I really loathe this man. I think I had a stronger hatred for him than Draco a few years ago. I keep climbing the stairs, hoping one of the staircases changes. However, luck doesn't seem to be on my side as he grabs ahold of my arm. One staircase away from the place I was running to. "I said, wait up."

"Yeah I heard you, but I chose to ignore you." I snap.

"Woah someone's got fire tonight. Don't worry, by the time I'm done, you'll be such a quiet and submissive girl," he leans closer to my face. I reach my hand up and slap him. Hard. I step out of his grasp moving toward the stairs.

"Leave me alone you ass."

"You bitch!" He screeches looking my way. "I'll get you for that!" He starts heading in my direction, but I don't flinch. Suddenly my vision is blocked by black robes.

"Fuck off McLaggen." I look up to see blonde hair on the back of my mystery saviors head.

"No, you fuck off Malfoy, this doesn't concern you."

"Actually, you might find it does idiot. You see, I do believe you were about to assault my girlfriend. I believe that very well does concern me." Draco retorts at the stupid brute.

"Whatever. Granger, you better watch your back you bitch." Cormac sneers and walks away. Draco turns to me with worry on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes Draco, I'm fine," I reply. I really was fine. "I'm not scared of Cormac. He's all bark, no bite."


"Nothing," I giggle at his confusion. "Can we just go back to our room?" I ask turning to finish walking up the stairs.

"Mia we need to talk about this," Draco says, stopping me in my tracks.

"Talk about what?" I ask turning back to the blonde.

"You can't be out this late, especially by yourself."

"Excuse me? I was just in the library."

"I know Mia, but from now on I don't think you should be out at night. And I don't think you should ever be by yourself. You don't know what someone could do to you."

"Draco, we are in Hogwarts. Literally one of the safest places to be. So what Cormac tried to be big and bad, I can handle my own." I know he's just worried about me, but I can handle myself. I don't like when people try to tell me what to do.

"I'm not saying you can't. Just try and be in the dorm after dinner okay?" I scoff at his words.

"So you're giving me a curfew because Cormac hit on me?" I ask my voice slightly rising. This is ridiculous.

"No Hermione," he used my full name, so I know he's irritated. "I-ugh woman I'm just trying to keep you safe damnit!"

"And I appreciate that, but like I said, I'm okay! Cormac is the only person who has even somewhat threatened me. I'm not going to stop living my life and hide away in the dorm every evening because you think it's best."

"Hermione you don't know what dangers can come around this time of night!" His voice has raised too at this point. We are basically yelling at each other in a corridor on the seventh floor.

"I don't?! Excuse me, I fought in the war too Draco! I know exactly what can happen!"

"Then you know why I want to keep you safe!"

"Giving me a curfew and watching my every move won't fix anything! It will just drive me nuts!"

"Hermione either you listen to me, or I will say something to piss us both off to the extreme." I was already pissed off, what else could be said?

"Oh really? And what is that Draco? That you forbid me from going to the library to study in the evenings after dinner?" I rolled my eyes.

"I-yes!" Yep, definitely more pissed off. "Mia, I didn't-"

I sigh, bringing my voice down to its normal level I open my mouth. "Draco, like I said, I fought in the war too. If that's what this is really about then we can talk about it, but I won't continue yelling at you. I am thankful you're worried about my safety, but you don't treat me like a child. I have defended myself for years, and I can take care of anyone who thinks they can take me. As for what you just said, you don't control me. Yes, you're my boyfriend and I was respect you and your opinion, but you can't forbid me from doing anything." When he didn't reply, but simply stared at me angrily, I spoke once again. "I'm going to bed." It was more of a whisper than anything. I was already tired, dealing with Cormac and then Draco took a lot of energy.

For the first night in three weeks, I slept in my own bed, alone...

A Night to RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora