Part 3 - chapter 16

Start from the beginning

A few seconds passed, then I agreed. "Okay."


That same night, I moved into Bonten's hideout.

Mitsuya had offered to leave our house to me, but I refused. If I was going to help Mikey, I was going to need to be as close to him as possible. Living under the same roof as him was a good start.

I lied to Draken and told him I was moving in with Hina. But the truth was, Draken had already done so much for me, I just didn't want him to worry about me more than he already had.

Sanzu opened the door for me. Carrying my travel bag, I followed him up the stairs that led to the first floor.

"You can take that room." He told me as he opened one of the doors on the left side of the hallway.

I walked in, put my travel bag on the double bed and stood looking around for a moment. The only window was small, the walls were bare, and the desk in the corner was wooden and old. It looked kind of sad, lifeless. I couldn't wait to decorate the room so it would feel more like home.

"It's next to Ran and Rindou's rooms." Sanzu informed me behind my back.

Good. It was reassuring to know that these two would be close. The only thing I was worried about was that I might encounter another girl Rindou would bring home. Another girl who would call him daddy-

"Hey." Sanzu tried to catch my attention again.

I turned to him. He was now leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. "I'll tell our boss you joined during our meeting tomorrow."

I nodded, my thoughts drifting to my ex again.

This is who I'm doing this for, I reminded myself. If I help him, I'll stop having nightmares about his death, and I'll be able to go back to my normal life.

"Mikey..." His name slipped past my lips in a whisper, but when I realized my mistake, I slapped a hand over my mouth. I wasn't supposed to know Mikey was the boss of Bonten. Not yet.

My gaze darted to Sanzu who sighed, irritated. 

"Of fucking course. I should have known you weren't sleeping in the car." He gritted, referring to the night him and Mikey had driven me back to Draken's house. The night I discovered Mikey was the leader of Bonten.

"Well," He ran a hand over his face, letting out another sigh. "Try to make yourself small as long as I haven't broken the news to him, got it?"

I nodded once. "Got it."

He pushed off the door and turned to walk away, but then he paused and turned to face me again. "One more thing : you stay away from the last floor." He warned. "Mikey and I are the only two people to live up there."

His expression had turned so serious so fast that I couldn't resist the urge to tease him.

I grinned. "Aw, what a cute couple you two must make."

His jaw ticked.

His gaze darkened.

In a few quick steps, he closed the distance between us. I gasped when he wrapped a hand around my throat and pressed me against the wall.

"I got one last advice for you, princess." He stared down at me, his eyes slightly narrowing. "Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth." He punctuated his order by tightening his grip around my throat a little more with each word.

I turned my head away from him, my eyes falling closed as my intake of oxygen dangerously diminished.

"Ran and Rindou might be wrapped around your little finger, but I'm not." Sanzu breathed out, his breath fanning my cheek.

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