Who am I?

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My little angel is sleeping peacefully beside her Dad. Don't worry cupcake Daddy will not let anything happen to you, soon we will go to London and will fix everything, I have to talk to Nandani about all this. I hope she doesn't have any problem with this and who knows maybe going to London bring us close too.. I smiled thinking about my wife when I heard some voices coming from outside.

I came out of the room to check what's going on to find everyone circling someone looking panicked, I came closer to see it was Nandani.. "What the hell happened?" I immediately took her in my arms and brought to other room so that Anvi is not disturbed, Soha immediately started checking on her..

Manik - What happened?

Aryaman - I don't know just saw her lying unconscious on the floor.

Dida - Hey Krishna Ji after so long we found our daughter, please don't let anything happen to her..

Chachi took her in a hug, "Please everybody don't panic she will be fine right Soha?" I asked her who was busy examining Nandani and she nodded her head, "Yes Manik, nothing to be worried of, her Blood pressure shoot up maybe that's why she fainted.. I guess she was just taking too much stress for Anvi.." of course she would, After all She is her mother. I caressed her head lovingly.

Abhimanyu - Dr. There is nothing to worry about right?

Soha - Not that I sensed of.. But yeah let her take rest today, tomorrow I will call her to hospital for complete checkup just to be sure.

Aryaman - yeah that will be great, right Manik?

And I nodded, the inauguration of the new venture was already done so I asked Cabir to wrap the party as I am taking both my ladies home, Dad came inside the room with Anvi who was awake while Nandani was still unconscious. I picked her up bridal style and took her to our car from the back door, didn't want to give people some spicy news.

I took Anvi from Dad and placed her on the back, Manas also settled beside her.. He was too exhausted after witnessing today's event, first his sister then his mom. Poor kid!! "You all go home, I will stay with them until Nandani wakes up." He nodded and left..

"Daddy is mommy okay?" Manas asked the question which was nagging him from so long. "Yeah buddy she is fine just stressed maybe. She will be okay till morning don't worry.." I stopped the car in their driveway and helped both the kids leaving Nandani in the car. I opened the house and they both went. I picked Nandani in my arms carefully and brought her inside where the munchkins were already sitting on the sofa watching the cartoon with half eyes closed. I made Nandani settled on her bed, removed her jewelry to make her comfortable.. I am so close and still so far from her that it hurts, it hurts real bad..

I came outside and switched off the Tv immediately taking both of their attention.. "Come on it's time for bed.." I took both of them to their room and started looking out for their night suits.. Cleaned them up, changed them and after much pestering put them to bed. "Come on both of you now go to sleep.." I closed their eyes but they again opened it, I sighed.. I am tired too..

Manik - Sleep baccha

Manas - If we will sleep you will leave us?

Manik - Of course not Daddy is here only

Anvi - Daddy can you sing us to sleep, Mommy do this daily..

Well can I? I looked at them and they both were looking at with such hope that I didn't had the heard to deny them.. I covered them with blankets, switched off the lights and settled down on bed with them

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