World stopped moving that moment

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"Ms. Sharma can you please get Mr. Kapoor's signature on this. It's quite urgent.." Someone from Finance department forwarded a file to me and I took it.. It's been two years since I started working for Kapoor's.. Two years since I was intrigued by Manik Kapoor and two years since I am trying to solve him, who is just a mystery to me.. I know about the tragedy that Mr. Kapoor faced 7 years ago.. Who lost his wife in an accident and is not ready to accept the truth till now..

He still believes she will return to him someday.. I wish someone could love me this much.. Surely his wife was a lucky girl.. I haven't seen her but I know she must be very beautiful to make Manik go crazy for her.. I want to be his friend, someone with whom he could share his pain with but he is so closed off that it's hard to break that exterior and enter in. "Mr. Kapoor.." I knock on the door. "Come in.."

I came inside to find him engrossed in his work.. The Man is beyond handsome, I know it's wrong to check out your own boss but what can I do? Even every women in Delhi office has the hots for him since we arrived here few days back.. "Please sign on this, it's urgent. I have read it, you can check it too.." I never forward any document to him without going through it and he never recheck it again when I forward something to him.. The trust he has on me make my chest swelled with pride.. He signed the documents without reading and I got a courage to ask something.

"Again it's a Sunday tomorrow, Do you think you can come out with me this time?" I asked slowly making his head turned up, god his eyes were just so out of this world.. I haven't seen so beautiful eyes before. "I am Sorry Ms. Sharma I already have plans with someone.." Wait What? Seriously, I know he is lying.. Just like always he will be spending the day lazing around his house thinking about his dead wife.. Why can't he just give himself an another chance? Why can't he give life an another chance?

I turned around to leave when he called me suddenly and a hope rise in my heart, maybe he has changed his mind.. "Can you please arrange some toys for 6 year old girl and boy by evening?" well that's an very odd request for him.. Maybe he isn't lying Prerna, maybe he is going to meet some kids and I guess that's a good thing.. I nodded my head and came outside arranging for the toys he have asked me to do.. Maybe someday he will make me part of his weird activities, maybe somedays he will grace me with his presence outside work..


I took out all the shoppers from my car with a smile on my face.. Ms. Sharma has really outdone herself and has arranged all the things those two munchkins would have love.. I hope these can bring a smile on their face. I kept all the bags on that very bench where I met them last Sunday.. Due to excitement I am half an hour early and now I have to wait for them.. My phone rang suddenly and I saw Mukti's video call, well that's too early for her... I picked the call and my face lit up seeing my niece.. "Hello Arvika Baby.." And the girl giggled hearing my voice..

"Sorry Big B for calling you so early on a Sunday morning but your niece was missing you a lot.." Mukti's tiring voice came from behind somewhere.. "No issues, I was awake anyways. So how my Arvika baby is doing? Missing Mamu?" And she clapped her hands nodding her head seeing me.. I chuckled, she is just so cute.. I talk with all three of them for some time when I saw Manas and Anvi coming towards me, I look at the time and they were 10 minutes early.. I smiled.. "Okay Abhi, I will call later.. Take good care of both my ladies.."

"Yeah what else Am I doing since past three years. Take care of yourself babye..." I disconnected the call when those two approached me, They both have a warm smile on their faces. Anvi jumped on me happily and I too took her in a loving hug.. "You came friend.." She exclaimed and I kissed her cheek and moved forward to kiss Manas..

"Of course I came, Didn't I promise?" And they both nodded... "What's these?" Manas spotted the shopping bags and looked curiously at me.. I forwarded both of them their respective bags and asked them to open it.. And the moment they did, both of them shrieked in excitement jumping my bones.. "You are so good friend.. Thank you.." I smiled at both of them..

"I tell Mamma about you and she said she want to meet you.." Anvi told me with her broken words and I nodded my head.. Of course no parent want their kids to be meeting with some anonymous person.. I will surely go and meet their parents today and take their permission to spend some time with these both till I am in this city.. "So friend where do you live?" Manas asked opening the chocolate and eating it followed by Anvi.. These were healthy bars and Kids can eat it without worrying..

"My home is in Mumbai but I am here for some work for few months.." And there mouth turned into an O.. I don't know why whenever both of them pout, it seems eerily familiar.. I shake of her thoughts from my mind for the time being.. "So you will not be here forever.." There was a sad glint in her eyes and I felt someone crushed my heart, I immediately pull her on my lap pecking her head.. "No matter where I live, I will always come to see both of you okay.."

"Mamma promise.." Manas forwarded his pinky that I happily connected with mine. "Mamma promise.." We talk for some more time about their school and their Mom, their bakery but kids never talk about their Dad.. And I felt a bit odd about it.. "Manas, Anvi What are you both doing here?"

I was busy with them playing some game that Anvi insisted when a Man almost my age interrupted

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I was busy with them playing some game that Anvi insisted when a Man almost my age interrupted.. The way he was dressed up, he looked like a Businessman..  But It's Sunday today dude.. Aren't you suppose to be on off.. "Good Morning.." Both the kids immediately ran to him wishing him good morning and he picked them both.. Okay Manik don't be jealous of his strength..

And then it hit me, He might be there Dad.. Of course he is, the way three of them are mingling, they sure are a family.. I stood up to meet him and He too noticed my presence with a smile.. "Hello I am Aryaman Khurana" He forwarded his hand for me to shake that I immediately took in. "Manik Kapoor.."

And a realization drawn into his eyes, "of course I know you.. Our company is collaborating for a project.. I am from Khurana Industries.." yes, We sure are collaborating with Khurana.. We had a meeting last week but he wasn't there, I guess The Man I dealt with was his Dad.. "He is our new friend.." Anvi interrupted our thought process and Aryaman smiled at her..

"Wow my princess made a new friend, I am so proud.. Why don't we take him to meet Mamma too.." And they both nodded their head excitingly.. The guy is so lucky to have such adorable kids, I am sure his wife is too a great and beautiful Women.. "Come Mr. Kapoor.." All three of them walked towards that bakery while I followed.. The bakery really had a great exterior and when we entered inside I was blown away by the interior too..  It was a cute and small shop but very well maintained and decorated..

"Mamma decorated it herself.." Manas announced proudly and I smiled.. Wow his Mom really is talented.. Even in the morning, the shop was quite busy and that proves the popularity of this shop was huge.. I looked here and there but my eyes stopped on a lady behind the counter, her back was towards me, But I don't know why I found her very familiar... There was a ache inside my heart on the possibility but before I could take any step.. "Ananya.." Aryaman called to I guess her wife but the lady that I was eying for so long turned around..

And the world stopped moving that moment. I don't know whether to cry out loud or to jump in happiness around.. I don't know what to do right now..

Gyz please follow me on Instagram ❤️❤️username is I_am_lady_capricorn.. also don't forget to vote and comment 😘

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