Chapter 1 (Daddy?)

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"Y/N, can you please go to the medicine store?" Mom asked and I shook my head as a no.

"Okay!" I saluted and she left my room making me sigh.

'We are always afraid of our parents, aren't we?'

I quickly got ready and took the money and list which was placed on the table.
I made my way towards the door but suddenly someone pulled me back and I already knew who it was.

"What happened?" I asked the powersphere who was shivering.
"Can I please come with you?" He pleaded.
"I don't think you should, there will be alot of people outside. Will you be ok?" I asked and he hummed.

At the market

I looked around and as expected alot of people were there, few even had powerspheres with themselves.

"See, there are powerspheres like you. Nothing will happen to you" I patted the scared powersphere who was clinging onto me.

"Lets go to the medicine store" I said and entered the medicine store.

"Here, I need these" I placed the list on the counter and the powersphere scanned it.

"See, these powerspheres help their owners. They aren't afraid of people" I said and hoped that even he'll stop being afraid of people.

'I seriously don't know anything about him except the fact that he is a powersphere named Lightbot.'

"Here are the medicines" The powersphere placed the bag full of medicines on the counter and I quickly paid for it.


I was walking back home when a guy slightly bumped into me. The guy mumbled a small 'sorry' and ran to the other side without even asking if I was fine.

'Aishh.. teenagers nowadays. Wait- I am a teenager too'

"He dropped this" Lightbot said and handed me something I had never seen before.
"What is this?" I asked hoping that he'll tell me.
"I exactly don't know what it is but according to my data it is something essential for rare powerspheres" he replied.

"I think we should quickly go and return this" I said.
"Can't we just go home" he whined.
"No we can't! This is something essential for a powersphere. The powersphere needs our help, lets go!" I exclaimed and ran to the other side to find him.

"Where did he go?" I mumbled.
I was about to take a turn when someone suddenly pulled me to an unknown dark alley.

I tried to shout but that person was quick enough and covered my mouth with his hands.
I quickly bit his hand making him leave my mouth.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath.
I turned behind and saw the guy earlier.

"I fi-" I was cut off when he pulled me closer and again covered my mouth with his hand.

'Is he trying to molest me?'

"Shh. Don't make any kind of noise" he whispered making me confuse. I then heard some footsteps coming closer.

"That coward ran away!" I heard someone shout.

His grip on my waist tightened as if he was very angry. I hissed in pain and he noticed it.

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