Chapter 16 (Camp)

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"Y/N get up!" I felt myself getting shook by someone.
I slowly opened my eyes and made an eye contact with Kaizo who was just inches away from my face.

"AHHHH" I screamed and sat up straight making our head crash.

"Ouch" we both winced in pain.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Kaizo shouted while rubbing is forehead.

'Woahh what a great start'

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I am here to wake your ass up. We all are going to a camp" he replied.

"A camp? Why all of a sudden?" I asked.
"It was planned a month ago. Now stop asking stupid questions and get ready" He said and I nodded.

"Anya wants to go there too" Anya said jumping out of her bed.
"Sorry Anya, its not for you. You have to stay here with some other students. Don't worry they'll take good care of you" Kaizo replied.
"Okayy" Anya said sadly.

Time skip

"Have you packed your bags?" Kaizo asked.
"Yes" I answered.

"Follow me" he said and we followed.
"Here Anya, these are the students you will be staying with for sometime"

"Hii I am Takemichi"
"And I am Gon"
"I am Saiki"

'Damn such colourful hairs'

"Anya and Saiki actually looks like long lost siblings" Gon said and everyone agreed.

Okay another time skip

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked for the 69th time.
"Camping trip" Boboiboy replied.

"I am surprised you didn't forgot about the camping trip, Boboiboy" Gopal said.

(You got it?)

"Its the 69th time I am hearing this. I know we are going to a camping trip" I replied.

"Then why tf are you asking" Kaizo shouted.
"Kaizo, shut your bitch ass up" I replied.

"Damn, I am starting to like this trip" Fang said earning a light smack from y/n.
"You both should really get along" y/n said.

"Yea dude, you both can marry each other too" Gopal said making everyone stop and stare at him.
"What? I was just saying" Gopal shrugged his shoulders.

"Everyone already thinks that they both are dating" Yaya said.
"Yea, you both should date in real too." Ying suggested.
"You both would make a really good couple" Boboiboy said.

"I wouldn't mind Y/N being my sister in law" Fang stated.

"Come on Kaizo, just hurry up and ask her out already. You do know that you're going to end up with her since its literally a Kaizo X Reader" y/n stated the obvious.

"Yea, I know. And stop breaking the 4th wall!" Kaizo shouted.

Me being dumb me just heard them talking about something that doesn't make any fucking sense.

"Are we there yet?" Yaya asked.
"Almost" Ying replied.
"I think I am gonna pass out" Gopal said while huffing.

"We are here!!" We heard the group ahead exclaiming.
"Finally" Gopal said before passing out.

"I am not gonna carry him" Boboiboy said.

Time skip (too lazy rn)

"Now that everyone is here. I am going to make an announcement. Everyone listen carefully. Its a two days camping trip. You all will work in pairs and complete the mission assigned. Understood?" Admiral shouted.

"Understood Admiral" everyone saluted.

"We haven't brought any food with us. You all will go and find edible fruits and vegetables and then cook it by yourself. You all have done that in the survival test so it shouldn't be hard" Commander Kokochi said.

"Captain PapaZola!" Kokochi called.
"Yes!" PapaZola saluted.

"This is the list of pairs." He said and handed it to PapaZola.
"Got it!"

"These are the pairs of Justice! Boboiboy with Gopal! Fang with y/n! Ying with Yaya! Blah with Blah! Kaizo with Y/N! Woah they both are paired together huh well its a Kaizo fanfiction after all"

"PapaZola stop breaking the 4th wall!" Everyone shouted.

"Oh sorry sorry" he sweatdropped.

"Let's go inside the forest now. It's going to be dark soon" Kaizo said and I nodded.

"Just don't do something dirty inside the forest!" Fang shouted and everyone laughed excluding us and Admiral.

Admiral never laughs. He is strict, super strict. But thats what makes him hot.


I and Kaizo found some vegetables and we were looking for few more when he said something that made me stop.

"You look pretty"

"What!?" I shouted shockingly.

'He complimented me??'

"You look pretty ugly. Your face makes me want to puke" he said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Feelings are mutual then" I replied and went back to gather some more fruits.

Kaizo's POV

(I think its the 2nd time in Kaizo's pov)

After having that talk with Fang and y/n. I decided to talk to Y/N. But its just so hard.

I mean come on how can I even like her! She is ugly af! I mean not really ugly.

She has pretty eyes, a cute (lil/big) nose, nice lips, cute teeth which are kinda funny since they are not in perfect shape, and also an adorable face- wait wtf no she isn't adorable she is ugly.

Ughhh I am going insane.
Wait a second I've heard love drives you crazy.

Then that means- WTF!!??!!

A/N- Just 3 hours more and I'll turn 16. Wtf is sweet 16?

Anyways, yea this chapter turned out pretty shitty. I didn't recheck before posting it so really sorry for any mistakes. And sorry everyone who waited for so long for an update. I've my mid term on 24 sept. So yea I am again going lol. Hope you have a great day!!!

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