Chapter 11

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Oh how I'm going to regret this I thought. Soft cries came from Madison's room as I was about to knock on her door.

Instead of knocking I just decided to just walk in. I walked in closing the door and she didn't even notice, she just laid sobbing on her bed.

"Madison?" I said it coming out more like a question.

Her body shot up and she looked at me wiping her tears and bloodshot eyes. After that she got up walked out saying

"What do you want shit face?".

I frowned a little but followed her into the bathroom anyway.

"Why were you crying?".

"No reason now just get o-out" she says with her voice cracking at the end.

"Maddie-" I tried to say but then she cut me off by yelling

"GET OUT!". After she screamed that, her body slid down the wall and she started sobbing into her hands. I slowly and cautiously went over to her hugging her tightly.

"It's okay Maddie" I quietly whispered as she cried harder and harder.

Your probably wondering why am I being nice to her after what she's said to me.

Well my answer is as my mommy told me

'The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart the less capable you are of loving in the present'.

I don't really know what it means but I think it means what's the point of holding a grudge, you can't change the past so just get over it and live to the fullest.

The door opened revealing Demi looking at both of us confused and then she looked at madison and immediately bent down going towards her.

"Mads what's wrong?" She asked.

Maddie looked up and started crying again. Demi tried to hug her but Maddie pushed her away forcefully.


"No demi you can't do that, you can't just ignore me for almost a whole month then just t-try to c-come crawling back to me!".

"Maddie I'm sorry Babygirl" Demi said with tears threatening to spill.

Maddie got up wiping tears and walking out not saying a word. But when she got up there were little lines on her wrist that were red.

Demi seemed to notice because her face turned ghostly white.


Maddie got up and her sleeve went up a little revealing fresh cuts on her wrist.

My stomach churned and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. No, no not my madison. She can't go threw this.

Look what you've done now.

This is all your fault Demetria.

The voices in my head said. "No" I softly said.

Yes Demetria you thought you could get rid of us that easily.

"Cameron get out" I quickly said hoping she would before I start crying and screaming my head off.

"Demi what's wrong?" she asked frightened.

"I said get out Cameron!" I yelled gripping my wrist. I quickly placed my hands under my butt sitting on them.

Cameron didn't budge she stayed there not moving an inch staring at me. The voices got louder and louder until they were invading my head.

You think anybody would love a fat worthless whore.

I'm surprised Wilmer hasn't broken up with you yet.

Come on just cut Demi. Get the stupid child out and just do it.

Before I knew it a ear piercing scream came out my mouth. My hands made there way to my face and and my nails dug into my face scratching down over and over again.

The bathroom door slammed open revealing my whole family. I couldn't hear them because of the voices invading my head and my screaming.

Get your blade Demi. One said.

My hands reached up towards the counter and grabbing Madison's shaving razor. Soon the razor was pulled out my hand and then it all went black.


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