Start from the beginning

" It's good " i muttered to my self.

Suddenly a lonely person with a blue haired and wearing a black uniform. And it's kinda beautiful.

A/N: Take the uniform As Rimuru True Dragon uniform..........

I can't see his face nor is aura. I looked at him but i can't see anything nor a Aura. Why ? I guess it's because of this mask he is wearing.

Velzard: Who are you ?

Rimuru: The way you introduce yourself to us... Should i took it as you want to kill us?

Velzard: And if it was the case ?

Rimuru: I am sorry Veldora's Sister but i wont let you.

Velzard: You sure talk big for a human. All right let's go............

Rimuru POV

After tasked Elen and company I finally thought that I will have time to rest sometime. But suddenly i felt a large amount of magicules flying at huge speed in our location.

C: <Large amount of magicules detected.... The individual in one of the three true dragons.. Velzard>

Rimuru: Wait what? How.. In the last timeline she didn't come to our village ? Why now ?

C: <Noticed: The individual Velzard surely noticed master dragon factor>

Veldora: Rimuru it's bad my sister is here.

Rimuru: I know. Veldora protect the village i going to see what she want.

Veldora: Understood.

Rimuru: Ciel create a powerful barrier to protect the citizens.

C: <It's already done>

Rimuru: Good job Ciel.. Ok let's go.

C: <Yes master>

I finally land where she was....

Rimuru: So What's your purpose here Veldora's sister ?

Velzard: Just for fun

Rimuru: "She is so beautiful" i thought.

C: <It's not the time master>

Ah yes sorry.

Rimuru: For fun and you unleash such a powerful aura ? Should i take it as you wanted to harm us ?

Velzard: You are confident but let me bring you back to the place you belong.

Rimuru: Bring it on.

Velzard POV:

The moment he said "bring it on", i transform in my dragon form. With a loud roar, I approache him with high speed.

Rimuru: [Void magic] : Techniques Deployement : Nothingness Disturbance

When he said this i sensed great danger he didn't even use his sword. It's just is fighting spirit his fighting spirit his in another league. But i feel like is looking don on me to didn't use his sword.

Velzard: You will regret it .. Freezing breath..

Freezing breath is one of my powerful attack because my instinct told me if i don't take him seriously i will regret it.

Freezing Breath is enhanced with my US [Patience King Gabriel] it affect. Everything around will instantly freeze. Even the air.

Velzard: You were fun at least.

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