Training or Punishment

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I was being walked down stairs, and I could tell he was R I C H. like really rich. He set me down, on the floor. I was placed next to a food bowl and water bowl. I looked at him, confused. He just smiled, and went to the fridge. He came back, holding a gallon of milk, He poured some milk in the bowl, and gestured down to it.

"Drink" He said slightly stern. I shook my head. "fuck no! Im not a fucking cat damnit!" I snapped. He looked pissed off. Like REALLY pissed off. I coward back slightly, i was ready to be hit. But no hits came, just a loud booming voice. His voice was laced with authority, and anger.

"Listen here, Marilynn. I fucking own you now, weather you like it or not! You ARE going to obey my commands, or youll be punished. 2nd, watch your fucking mouth before i do more then slap you. 3rd, you do as i say. No mumbling, and no fucking insulting me."

"drink the fucking milk, like i said 2 minuets ago." My eyes rimmed with tears, my face flushed from embarrassment. I leant my head, down scooping the milk up with my tongue. I felt a tear roll down my face. My hands were visibly shaking. "Good job kitten, after this will be some training."

30 minuets later

"Alright, come" He motioned me to come to him. I got up, but he stopped me dead in my tracks. "Kittens don't walk, they crawl. Try again sweetheart." He pushed me lightly onto my knees, and backed away to the stairs. He squatted down, and patted at his knees. "Come here Kitten! Come ere'! " His voice was happy, and fun.

I crawled over to him, slightly slow, but not to slow. "Good job kitten!" Right as he said that i was picked up. I squirmed in his grasp, wanting to be put down. "Relax. We are going to take a bath, and get you ready for bed."

I huffed, and sat still. Realizing this was doing me no good. "thank you baby girl" He said picking me up, and walking to the bathroom. He sat me down, and closed the door. It locked. He turned around, smiling a little. "Strip" He said, he watched and waited for me to remove my clothing. "Do you mind... u-uhm.. turning around please..?" He rolled his eyes and turned to face the wall. I turned my back to face the tub, and started undressing.

Once I was fully undressed I wrapped a dry towel around me, covering my body. He turned around, and frowned. "towel off." I whined lightly, not wanting him to see my body. I wasn't scared to show my body off, I just didn't like showing strangers my body. Im not the type of girl to wait until marriage, I'm just waiting for the right guy that's all. I got into the tub, and took the towel off. I was still facing the wall, I just took the towel, and dropped it on the floor outside of the tub.

"Kitten, I need you to turn around and sit on the tub so I can wash you." I bit my lip, thinking. I covered my chest, and sat down. I turned around, still covering my chest. His eyes flickered all over my body. I cleared my throat, being uncomfortable and he looked at me.

I just looked down ashamed , and he just lightly lifted my chin. "Your beautiful baby, There's nothing to be ashamed about." I smiled lightly at his kindness. He turned on the water checking the warmth of it. "Is that warm enough?" I noded, and he let the water run to fill up the tub to my waist.

He started washing my hair with a vanilla shampoo, making me lean my head back and relax my body. He let the shampoo sit for a little. while it was sitting in my hair, he started washing my body. Once he reached my chest he looked at me. "Get comfortable, lay down if you want to baby, but I need to be able to wash your whole body."

His voice was soft and encouraging. I let my arms stay at my side when I fixed my sitting position, to a laying position. He seemed happy, and sweet. He washed my chest, being gentle every moment.

I was actually kinda happy... I felt... loved.


Hope yall enjoyed, there will be more pet play in the next chapterrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

Miss Little DollDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora