Non seen leash

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I just got to my apartment from work. I work on a tight schedule, over 9 hours a day. I sat on the couch to watch tv, which was always playing my favorite tv show. I turned off all of the lights in my apartment, and locked my doors. I turned off my phone, and plugged it in. I was planning to let it charge, then go on my night runs.

1 hour later

My phone ringer went off, and I checked it. My phone was charged, so I got changed into my sports bra and Nike shorts. I tied my shoes, and turned off my tv. I grabbed my keys on my way out, and locked the door behind me. I put In my air pods and started playing music, which always was at max volume. I started running at a steady pace, keeping my breathing light.

Once I got tired I started walking. I was walking up to this alleyway, when out of nowhere I was grabbed. I screamed for help but there was a hand covering my mouth. "Easy now, wouldn't wanna die in an alleyway now would you". His voice was deep and husky, I trembled from fear, tears streaming down my face.

"If you continue to move ill kill you right here, right now." I stopped moving, and I felt something inject into my arm. I let out a quiet yelp, before my eyes fluttered shut. All I saw was an empty abyss. Who is he? Is he going to kill me? Why is this happening to me? Why right now? Does he know me? Do I know him? I had thousands of questions running through my head.

I woke up in a van. No windows, one door to the left, assuming it was locked. My hands were bound together, and my ankles were as well. My breathing was shaky and fast when I realized the van came to a stop. "Your awake quiet early" I heard the driver say. its him, he is the one who kidnaped me.

"such a pretty thing... I cant wait to have you fully trained." I looked at him in confusion. I was what?... wait what.. I don't understand! what the hell is going on!? He left the driver side, closing the door. The left door opened, to my luck, I was able to scoot away from him.

He looked frustrated. "Hun, first rule, your supposed to come to me when I want you to come to me. Now is one of those moments. If you don't want a punishment I want you to come here, now." His voice switched to a stern tone, which scared the hell outta me.

I cowered back trembling, tears once again rolling down my face. His face dropped in concern. "Sweetie.. I know this is hard to adapt to, but your going to have to listen to be rewarded... now can you please come to me?" his voice was much more sweet this time. Almost comforting, so I slid slowly to him. "Good Girl, thank you for listening."

I didn't say anything, He just got out a pocket knife. I leaned away from, he only grabbed my wrist to cut the restrains. Once they were cut, I rubbed my wrist whimpering in pain when I touched the bruise. He picked my up, I kept my hands at my chest. I looked down at the bruises analyzing them.

Once I saw the house I was amazed. it looked so cool! It had a pool, balcony, garden, and soooo much space! I felt that stinging feeling from when I was kidnaped, and once again I was consumed by darkness. The abyss was lonely and to quiet for my liking.

2 hours later

I woke up in this light pink room, soft light baby pink curtains, with pink star light outer rims. There was a cage in the back corner, along with a blanket and a stuffed animal. The bed was a light pink and so were the pillows. The dresser was a darker shade of pink but a pastel color. The bed blankets was silk, and the sheets cotton.

I went to move my hands but I couldn't. Once again they were restrained. My wrists were cuffed to the bed frame. One to the left, the other to the right. The door opened and I wiggled my body around, being uncomfortable. he seemed amused. "Good Morning baby" He said in a soft tone. I didn't respond. All I wanted to do was cry. I want to go home, I want to see my family. He sat down on the bed, I moved my legs away from him. He didn't seem to bothered by it.

"what is your name hun?" he said, slightly moving forward. I didn't respond. He raised his hand and slapped me. leaving a red handprint on my face . I started crying, again. I brought my legs to my chest, hiding my face In my knees. I was sobbing.

I realized I wasn't even in my own clothing again, I was In light pink sweatpants and a baggy black shirt. I started crying even more. I hate this so much. I hate this room. I hate this man. I hate my life! My chin was lifted by rough hands, I flinched away from him. "Baby, that will happen if you don't listen to me. When I ask you a question I expect you to answer." I noded, still crying. My cheek hurt, it stung.

"Im going to ask you again.. What is your name?" I slowed my crying down and took a deep breath. "M-marilynn.." I muttered. He rubbed my red cheek with his hand, I moved away slightly. "Good girl Marilynn, you have a very beautiful name." He praised. I looked down. "do you want to go eat?" I noded straight away. I was eager to get out of this bed, and have my wrists free. He unlocked the chains, placing the key in his pocket.

Right as my wrist were free he clipped a leash to the collar I was wearing. Great.. now I cant run away or escape. Wonderful...

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