Chapter 33 - The Cafe

Start from the beginning

    (Y/N) stayed seated despite the redhead getting up. She was confused. Was she dreaming? Did she activate her abilities on herself? How could something so fake seem so real? Even she couldn't make something like this.

"You know-" (Y/N) looked up at the sound of Blythe's voice. Something she hasn't heard in so long. "You should wake up."

    The woman's eyes widened.

"I know you're tired but you shouldn't let your guard down like this. Dog can only do so much with the mindset he has."


     When the redhead turned her head to face her friend her eyes went black. She didn't look angry or decomposing or trying to kill her for her body. Just the black eyes. Blythe shook her head. "It's just a memory. You're dreaming."

     (Y/N) stood up quickly, tears pricking her eyes and she stared incredulously at her friend. Or who she thought was her friend. "What do you mean I'm dreaming?!"

     Blythe shrugged and took the last sip of her coffee before setting the cup down. "You fell asleep. How else do you dream?"

"WHO ARE YOU?!" (Y/N) yelled.

    The two stared at each other for some time, neither speaking. One calm and observing the other who was on the verge of screaming again. Blythe took in a deep breath and soon grew this expression that showed empathy. The look made (Y/N) hitch her breathe and grip the table underneath her hands that were soon turning black. She was starting to age. Shifting into her present 28-year-old self with the accompanying scratches and bruises, her hair that hasn't been managed in days, the veins in her hands turning into a black color, and her eyes shifting to a yellowish (e/c).

    Blythe observed these changes. Watching them almost regretfully. It took a second before she met (Y/N)'s eyes that were dripping in tears.

"We'll talk soon. I'll tell you everything. Just wake up."

"What do you-" (Y/N) couldn't finish as Blythe turned around and started walking to the café entrance. "Where are you going?!"

    The redhead stopped and turned her head slightly. The LED light from above shined down on her that cast a harsh shadow that covered her entire face in darkness due to her bangs. (Y/N) felt her arms shake and teeth clench together.

"Wake up. Or you'll get us both killed."

    A sharp pain struck the woman's mind that made (Y/N) grab her head and fall to the ground. Screaming out in pain like someone had stabbed a sharp object through her brain. She gripped her hair and felt the world around her spin and spin to the point where she felt nauseous. Her eyes could barely open at this point but it felt like cold fingers had pressed into them and tried to force them open. (Y/N)'s body resisted this but the fingers were infinitely stronger than her.

     (Y/N) gritted her teeth and tried to fight back but the fingers grabbed harsher and yanked her eyelids open.

     (Y/N) awoke in a pool of sweat as she jumped up from her sleeping position. The chains connecting her arm to the bed clanged against the rusty metal which echoed into the halls.

     Her eyes moved around the room to find that she was all alone. Yama was gone and so was Dog. Not even Ki or Akai was around.

     Her breaths were heavy as she tried to stable herself and rub her aching forehead that felt like she woke up to a horrible migraine that was beginning to subside. As she started to settle down she was able to finally start thinking.

     Was that a dream?

*cling cling*

     The woman quickly looked up at the sound of something tapping the bars.

     Yellowish (e/c) eyes met the grey one of Lamya who had a hand resting on her hip, the other holding onto a long metal pole that was sharpened to a point, and two lackeys who stood behind her waiting for orders. "Get up. He wants to see you."

"Zan-Zankoku...?" (Y/N)'s voice was parched. Like she hasn't drunk any water in a while.

"I won't ask again, human." Lamya spoke with authority. "Don't try anything stupid either."

     The woman watched the demon before easing her way up and stumbling a bit from just waking up. She carefully walked to the bars and waited for Lamya to open the barred door and use her manipulator ability to grab onto and pull (Y/N)'s arms without having to touch her.

    (Y/N) was forced to follow her into the halls with the two lackeys following behind. Making sure the human wouldn't try anything.


Author's note:

Sorry for the wait😅

I'm working on both this story and trying to get my art commissions back up that I've been a bit more focused on. As well as Spring cleaning that I'm glad to be done with.

Anyways, I hope this chapter didn't cause any emotional damage to anyone lol

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