chapter 1 - Starting the new year on the right foot

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Ho welcome to when we met! This is my first time writing a story. This book will be undergoing some serious revisions and I may even change the storyline over the next few months.

Sidenote: any words written like this are from mateos pov

BEEEEP!!!HOOOONK!!! Just two of the many sounds in this wide awake world along with quiet rumbling of the old rusty bus that I'm on traveling to our school. though it's quieter due to the angst of the first day of school, it's still loud, and I'm already regretting going.

The bus arrives, and everyone storms off beside me. The bus driver waits patiently as I trudge off the bus, grumbling "thank you" to him. The school is louder than I remember. I pass through the crowd swiftly, trying to remain as invisible as possible.

I get to homeroom and automatically sit down behind a tall girl that's been in my class for the last three years and is ok with covering me when my teacher gets suspicious that I'm not listening to them.

As soon as the bell rings, a horde of people practically busts down the door, picking seats next to their "best friends."

Particularly, I think having friends is overrated and frankly stupid... Well, I mean, I don't have any myself, but I'd rather be alone.. I think.

[Updated 1/9/24]
I sit in utter boredom waiting for the teacher my walk in and begin class. Most of the kids in my class haven't sat down and were practically using the first period as social hour. Since I had nothing better to do I pulled out my schedule and began to check when and where my classes are

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