Chapter 3

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After the battle, you left in anger and pain. You made it back to your apartment, got to your room and collapsed from exhaustion and pain and that's all you remember.

You groggily wake up the next day, in your bed with the sun in your eyes. You groan and say five more minutes before trying to move a little across the bed. As you do so you're stopped by something or better yet someone. You moved the cover to see sona layed there in a peaceful sleeping naked next to you with an arm around you...WAIT SONAS ASLEEP PEACEFULLY NEXT TO YOU WITH AN ARM AROUND YOU WHILST NAKED WHAT THE FUCK!

You try to play it off and just go back to bed like a chad but as you place an arm around her she coughs to get your attention

Sona: looks like we're both awake

Y/n: AAAH! Don't do that for the love of go-

She cups a hand over your mouth and shakes her head. You relise that since she's a devil it may be considered offensive to say "god:

Sona: after your battle you were severely injured with tons of broken bones and a lot of internal bleeding. When Gideon found you he got in contact with me and I used healing magic on you, it worked like a dream.

You get a warm feeling as she speaks. You look at her and feel all fuzzy and you don't know why and something about how she took care of you made you feel happy for some reason.

Y/n: thank you Sona, it means a lot

Sona: anytime y/n. I have to admit, you're perfect for sleeping next to

Y/n: trust me, I aim to please

She laughs a little. You sit up and come to the next great realisation. Your naked, in your bed with a naked Sona

Y/n: well then...

Sona: what is it y/n?

Y/n: I too am nude

Sona: ah yes I didn't explain. There is a type of healing that I can perform yet both of us had to be nude to give it it's maximum effect

Y/n: it's all good as long as nothing sketchy happened to me.

Sona: *in head* trust me the only sketchy thing was getting you undressed in the dark *in reality* don't worry nothing sketchy happened

You smile and come to the most grand discovery of the century.

Y/n: well. How do we go about getting dressed. If I get out the bed you see my crotch and if you get out the bed I see a lot more.

Sona blushed at the realisation yet held herself together

Sona: correct indeed...why dont we get Gideon to pass our clothes to us

Y/n: no no no. The last time I was nude and Gideon was involved I woke up after a lot of alcohol.

Sona: you drink?

Y/n: when you've seen as much death as me it can become a good emotional soother

Sona nods in understanding then sighs

Sona: I'll do it.

She stands up and gets out the bed. You try your hardest not to look yet some unkown side of you forced you to look as her back was turned. You saw everything from the milkers to the "you know what" downstairs

Sona: *sighs* you aren't the most subtle y'know?


Sona: I have a great intuition

You look shocked yet quickly shrug it off as you get up and quickly grab your boxers before she notices your nude behind her. You sigh a breath of relief and go to your wardrobe to see your uniform is still hung up. You put it on and turn to see she has also gotten dressed.

call of duty advanced warfare male reader X highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now