3. Aim High Entertainment

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We arrived at Seoul after 12 long hour. The guy I bumped in earlier have been really rude to all the flight attendants. What a jerk!

Sara, prepare to see the amazing South Korea for the first time," Jo Jong cheered.

"Jo Jong, I'm sorry to break that to you again, but that's my second time here in South Korea."

"Aish. And I thought you will share your first experience with me," he pouted.

"Oh come on. I never went to the Han River or Namsan Tower, we can visit them later. Araso?"

"Araso," he said as cheerfully as the first time.

We walked out of the airport and into a mini-van, which was waiting for us.

"So, where are we going?" I asked JoJong.

"To the company, Aim High Entertainment," he said not looking away from the window for a second. Then he suddenly shouted," red car!"


"Come on, let's play. The first one to see a red car shouts a red car, then green, then blue, then black, then white, then gold, then silver!"

"Am I supposed to memories that order?"



"Red car!"

"That's not fair! I didn't know that we started!"

"That's not my problem!"

"Fine, then. Green car."

"I didn't know that we started, again."

"That's not my problem."

"Aish. That girl."

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