Chapter 3 - Samuele

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The next day came quicker than Liam had expected.

"It's breakfast time; good morning!" Armin's voice sounded out of the speakers, followed by some old-school music.

"What's that?" Liam shouted at Marc.

"Yeah, I'll never get used to that!" his roommate responded.

They both got out of bed and brushed their teeth. Afterward, they went downstairs to the dining room and had breakfast. It was incredibly quiet.

"Everyone's still half-asleep!" Liam said.

"Yeah... or just pissed at the music choice," Marc laughed.

Armin entered the room and coughed.

"Listen, guys," he said, "Tonight's the campfire meet and greet; I hope you're all up to it, especially since we have some new faces here."

Nobody seemed to care.

"Yes... that's what I thought. Anyways, as you know, no alcoholic beverages allowed, no smoking, no anything that usually isn't allowed."

A student shouted, "What about dr-" but Armin interrupted him as soon as he started.

"No, no drugs either. Didn't know that drugs are usually allowed, Charles."

Everyone was laughing.

"At least you're all awake now," Armin said with a slightly annoyed voice, "Liam, Samuele is arriving in half an hour. Make sure you're ready by then to welcome him."

"Will do," Liam answered.

Armin left.

"And the gym is the building next to the sports hall, right?" Liam asked Marc.

"No, next to the sports hall is just the fitting room. The gym's next to the gaming hall, remember?"

"Right, got it."

"Are you nervous?" Marc asked with a grin on his face.

"Of course I am. The new guy is introducing the even newer one; sounds reasonable, doesn't it?"

Marc laughed, "Don't worry too much about it. Just try to have fun!" He stood up, "I need to go now. See you in the afternoon!"

"See you."

Marc rushed out of the room.

"O no," someone from the other table said, "Hottie Marc is gone. What a shame, isn't it?"

Liam looked at him. It was the soccer guy from yesterday. He sat down next to Liam.

"What?" asked Liam puzzled.

"Don't you think he's hot?"

Liam didn't know how to answer this question. He found Marc attractive, but not in a romantic way. At least, he never really considered it. The last time he felt attracted to a guy was in middle school, but since then, he just didn't bother and tried to push these kinds of thoughts out of his head.

"Do you?" answered Liam, "I mean, I'm not gay..."

The guys next to him burst out in laughter.

"Come on, mate! I was just testing you!" he said, "I'm Peter, by the way."

"Liam," Liam said and started to grin, "Did I pass the test then, Peter?"

"I'd say you get 70 out of 100 points."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, just a feeling."

"Okay, wow!"

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