Authors note.

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Hi Everyone. Thanks for reading this Authors note. I just want to share some future chapter names, fun facts and some scrapped ideas. Enjoy

Future chapters:

A day for myself.

Creepy Reporter.

Big 3




Internships part 2

Agatha knows


Agatha dissaproves

Izuku (Solo) raiding Shie Hissekai


The Scarlet witch is not born but forged


Big brother Izuku


School festival: Theme is 'Haunted House'

Gentle Criminal.

Training gone wrong

Scarlet witch Wanda vs Scarlet witch Izuku.


Deku meets Wiccan.


Phew. That should do it for now. Keep in mind that i may change some of the titles or even the chapter all together

Fun Facts:

Izukus relationships with his friends:
Tokoyami: Best friend/ Occult buddy

Shinsou: Future friend, albeit unwiling

Aizawa: Dad

Agatha: Mentor

Yaoyorozu: Study Buddy/ Genshin addicts

Todoroki: Friends who listen to each others fears

Uraraka: One sides love

Tsuyu: Weebs

Iida: Study buddy

When Izuku has the scarlet witch crown, he sometimes uses it as a bumerang.
Izuku despises Bakugou
Izuku doesn't like Kirishima

Hes a weeb
Aizawa trains him on hand to hand combat
Izuku sometimes reminds me of Elizabeth olsen
He always vents to his mom when hes stressed
I chose Tokoyami as his best friend, since he and dark shadow remind me of Agatha / Agness

Let me explain. I know Agatha and Agness are the same person, its just an act. But they're similar to Tokoyami and dark shadow.


-Loves the darkness
-Can be very serious
-Not a big fan of Hawks

Agness/ Dark Shadow

-Comedy relief
-Takes nothing seriously
-Could kill you.

After they discovered Izukus 'quirk', Inko became relieved and doesn't stress eat anymore, which caused her to lose weight.
No Fatshaming tho. We love Inko no matter how she looks.
All for one wants Izukus 'Quirk'
If Wiccan were to fight current Manga Deku, it would depend on the situation as to who would win.

Wiccans weakness is strong fighters and speedy fighters, which Manga Deku is masterful in.

If he managed to confuse wiccan long enough, he would win.

However, if Wiccan cast runes or uses Nightmare visions on Deku, Wiccan would've won. (Manga Deku went through a lot of shit.)

Izukus personality is a mix of canon Deku, Elizabeth Olsen and Fallon Carrington
I already know how the story will end.

Alright, Thats the fun facts, now onto scrapped ideas.

Scrapped Ideas:

Izuku was supposed to be a girl and the daughter of Wanda.
I planned to make Izuku date either Tokoyami, Mei Hatsume or Todoroki. I scrapped it, since i don't think he needs to be in a relationship nor is he interested.

I also scrapped it since a lot of 'deku with other powers' fanfiction always give him a girl/boyfriend or even a harem.
He was supposed to be villain.
Bakugou never met Izuku in their childhood.
All for one was supposed to be his Father
He wanted to kill Agatha.
He killed Aizawa
He was supposed to enslave the world.
He had green hair.

Ok. Thats all i have to share for now. Thanks for reading.

There is something i want to ask you though.

One of my friends found this fanfic and he knew i wrote it since i told him about him.

A few days ago, he told me that Izuku reminds him of a Mary sue...


I just want to ask, is he really coming off that? If he does, that was never my intention to potray him like that. Writing characters is hard.

Pls tell me your opinion on this. I would very much appreciate it.

See ya next chapter. Bye guys

From the one and only: Newt-Man.

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