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Iliria's mind raced with frantic thoughts as she tried to organize all the strategies that began to take form

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Iliria's mind raced with frantic thoughts as she tried to organize all the strategies that began to take form. Madame Esmara and the rest of the council was still seated around the round, obsidian table in Everett Hall, while Iliria exited the room to get some air.

Madame Esmara had informed them that it was time.

The Heretics were on the move, and they would reach Polla'Nisia within the next two days. One could imagine in what kind of a state that news had put everyone on the council. Especially the Immortals were quick to voice their concerns, considering they would rather barricade themselves underneath their houses than fulfill their duties.

Iliria had known that this day would come, sooner or later. They'd been preparing for it for decades. It was one of the conditions they'd given Everett Valley in order to supply them with the borders. Payment for being able to live amongst all races without instincts getting in the way.

As soon as the council finally calmed down and everyone was dismissed, one by one exiting the same hall Iliria had stepped out of moments before, she also knew that they were all instructed to gather their belongings and sound the alarm.

Everyone in Everett Valley, women and children, were a part of this war.

It had been one of the many things that been forced to agree with in order to survive. The Sovereigns in Lumor had supplied them with magic, as to keep the barriers powered up and the natural instincts of everyone living in Everett Valley at bay. It was how they'd survived for so many years. They couldn't have without the Sovereign's aid. But it came at a high price.

The dragon bones down in the south were one of the prices they were forced to pay and the further processing of them that had cost them quite a few lives. Most of those that had tried grinding the bones to power turned too crazy to let out into society, so they were locked up in the Keinarnin. By now, there were a lot of people rotting away behind those bars.

Iliria waited for Madame Esmara to come out after the rest passed her by, not offering her any goodbyes, wishes or other pleasantries they offered each other.

She was isolated even in a place she'd dedicated her life to.

When Madame Esmara slowly walked out of the hall of Everett Valley, closing the ceiling high, double doors swiftly, Iliria's body straightened automatically.

"Madame Esmara. I know of what the Sovereigns want, but is it truly wise to fight amongst a kind we are instinctively meant not to correspond with?" Iliria tried keeping her tone even and her words as objective as possible, though she was walking on thin ice as she voiced her thoughts.

A thinly plucked, arched eyebrow shot up and a cold stare bore into Iliria as Madame Esmara cleared her throat.

"You wish to risk our survival based on the natural order?" She nearly scoffed.

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