13: The Heretics

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

My heartbeat sped up and I could no longer stand on the other side of the study when my brothers were on one and I on the other. Walking towards them, I steered directly towards Reece to back him up. Now was the time for us to share what we knew. I felt it, deep in my bones. If we wanted to get anywhere today then now was the time. I made sure to let him feel my determination and when he nodded, like Reagan had to his sibling, I took his sign of permission and spoke next.

"Emmet and I were attacked in Everett Valley the day you arrived. The intruder was cloaked in shadows that snuck around him as if he was made of them. He knocked both of us out cold and left without killing us. A few days later, we found a dead body in a cave. We think this might be connected to what you just explained."

Ryker's shocked expression gave away a lot about this situation. Especially since the emotions accompanying the look on his face weren't ones of shock because he didn't know.

He felt uncertainty.

"What do you know about this?" I asked bluntly and I made sure to let a sternness line my voice.

This was not the time to keep things from each other and even if this was going to turn into a fight, I wasn't going to remain patient and wait for them to spill the beans. We'd come too far to start walking backwards now.

"It's fine", Reagan said as he breathed out deeply and got up from previously sitting on one of the study-tables.

"We were in Everett Valley to find answers. We are desperately trying to find anything and everything we can to help us against the humans. There has been news from outside of Polla'Nisia that there have been groups of people wanting to rot us out. They're called The Heretics."

Reagan sighed. "These Heretics still believe we exist. And their groups of assassins have been growing over the past decades." He paused shortly before continuing, his eyes wandering towards me, catching my stare. "We have seers here called Vatess'es. Deina here is one of them. Some of our people are able to see into the future." Reagan let his gaze roam through the room, now talking to everyone.

"Deina foresaw that our answers were to be found in a place that raised only questions. So far, Everett Valley has been one big question mark for us and our kind. You run things in such strange manners and the council hides more secrets than I've ever seen before in leadership. We found out some of those secrets, but we still don't have the one answer that is supposed to be the key for our existence to continue. Maybe you can help us find out what that is by sharing what you know. We shall return the favor."

Silence stretched out in the study; the sound of breathing was the only thing that I could hear. I was still caught up with the concept of someone being able to see the future.

"Do you know anything about the dead body we found in the cave?" I asked again, breaking the silence.

Reagan nodded as his eyes landed on me. I blinked slowly, thanking him for finally giving me an answer. I just wasn't done asking yet.

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