Part 8

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(Ben and Vic took you to Grey Sloan)
Callie pov
"22 year old Female firefighter with a broken leg and possible abdomen bleed. There is a lot more coming here." Ben  says
"Oh My God. Jordan." Arizona says
"Hey Arizona, Callie." Jordan says
"Trauma Room one" April says
(5 mins later)
"What do you got." Bailey ask
"Hey Bailey. Could you page Wilson and Deluca please." Jordan say
"Yes I can page them. when you are out of X-ray and ct."Bailey says
"Will you be still so I can check your leg and Bailey check your abdomen."
"Yes I can." Jordan says

Jordan pov
(1 hour later)
"What on earth happens out there?" Bailey says as Callie cast my leg.
"Storage unit fire and a dumb ass thought it was a great idea to put propane in a unit and it exploded. Miller got the worst of it cause he acted as a human shield." Ben says
"Ben how is Dean?"
"Jordan he didn't make it the explosion caused a piece of metal to go into his back." Ben say

Meredith pov
'Beep beep' '911 to the ER'
I see Jo also running to the pit.
"Hey you been paged?"
"Yeah I have been." Jo says
We enter the ER doctors and Firefighters everywhere. Most of the firefighters are crying.
"Let's go ask Vic."
We walk over to Vic.
"Hey Vic what are you going?" Jo ask
"While I'm crying because Dean Miller died saving Jordan..." started to say but was cut off by someone screaming "NO NO NO! PLEASE TELL ME THAT IS A FUCKED JOKE!"
"Now it looks like Ben just told her." Vic says crying.
Me and Jo took off running into trauma room one Carina is holding Jordan as she cries and screams Bailey, Ben and Callie are in there crying also.
"Baby it's okay." Jo says and holds Jordan tight with Carina.
I look at her scans. She is fine internally besides her leg. That Callie has casted.
"Hey Jordan. I'm sorry to hear about Miller I'm here for you." I say and walk out. With Bailey, Callie and Ben.

Maya Pov ( at the fire still)
"Captain Bishop. Station 23 is here to take over go check on your team and daughter." Captain from 23 says
"Thank you! 19 let's go."
We all load up and go to Grey Sloan.
"Vic! How's Miller and Jordan." Travis asks
"You guys might want to sit down." Vic says
"Just tell me if my daughter is okay Vic!"
"Jordan is okay. She physically besides a broken leg. Mentally and emotionally no she's not okay." Vic says
"What do you mean not mentally or emotionally okay Vic?" Andy says
"I can't do this." Vic says and runs off.

Andy pov
"Vic! Huges! Huges!"
I then see Meredith, Callie, Ben and Bailey come out of a trauma room.
"I hate seeing her like this." Callie says
"Hey what do you mean by that Callie?"
"While I will let Ben and Bailey fill you in." Callie says and walks off
"Andy, Maya and everyone else sit down please and I will tell you what's going on with her. She is okay she is with her girlfriends right now I think" Ben says
"Just tell us Warren" Jack says
"Guys Miller he... he didn't make it." Ben says crying
"Pru where is she?"
"She is at daycare Mama" Jordan says out of no where. I turn around and see her on crutches and leaning back into Carina and Jo holding her hand I think.
"Jordan thank god your okay." Maya and I say "To tight moms."
"What going to happens with Pru now?" Travis asks

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