The New Boyfriend《Chapter 11》

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Deku: W-w-w-w-what?!?!?!?

Y/n: Yes, Since I met your mom I think it fair if you meet my dad.

Deku: W-w-w-w-what if he doesn't like me?

Y/n: Don't worry he'll like you.

Deku was very very worried considering what happened when deku tried to help you.This was going to end bad.Soon you and deku made it to your home.

Aizawa: Young lady where have you been!

Y/n: Dad, I was with Midoriya and his mom.

Aizawa: oh ok but why did you bring Midoriya, here?

You grabbed Midoriya's hand and looked at Aizawa a.k.a. your dad

Y/n: Dad, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend.

Deku was trembling when Aizawa stared at him.

Aizawa: So your dating my daughter!

Deku: y-y-y-y-yes I am.

Aizawa: *sigh* just don't hurt her or else I'm going throw you off a cliff.

After that show you and deku went upstairs to your room(And no you and deku aren't going to do anything s!x so don't expect it!) and deku was a bit shocked to see your room

After that show you and deku went upstairs to your room(And no you and deku aren't going to do anything s!x so don't expect it!) and deku was a bit shocked to see your room

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Deku: Wow your room is so beautiful just like your room back at the dorms.

Y/n: hm thanks Midoriya.

After awhile of watching a few movies you eventually fell asleep on dekus shoulder and before you drifted off to sleep you said

Y/n: *yawn* good night Izuku-kun.

《242 Words》

My Puppy《Deku x Reader》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora