The Date《Chapter 6》

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It had been a few weeks since you had transferred into U.A. and you have been having a good time here and you even managed to be friend with Bakugou which was shocking for Everyone when they found out but your mind was on Midoriya what he said that one night got you thinking alot.

Mina: Hey Y/n-chan, how you doing?

Y/n: hm oh I've been ok.

Mina could tell something was wrong

Mina: ok what's wrong? Your not acting like your usual self so whats wrong.

Y/n: You remember when I first got here and you dare me to kiss someone that I thought was hot?

Mina: Yes I do, and you kiss Midoriya on the cheek right?

Y/n: Yea but after the game he asked me some weird questions.

Mina: Like?

Y/n: Like if I went to Aldera Junior High school, if I had childhood friends, And if I had a sister or not.

Mina: Well do you

Y/n: Yes I do but it felt weird when he asked me that.

Mina: Well to me I just sound like he wants to get to know you better, Right.

Y/n: hmm maybe....

Mina wanted to cheer you up so she thought for a moment and then said.

Mina: Hey how about Me,you, and the rest of the girl go shopping tomorrow.How does that sound.

You thought about for a moment said 'ok' and then Deku came up to you to talk to you.

Deku: Hey Y/n how are you.

Y/n: I'm good how about you?

Deku: I'm doing ok.So I was thinking how about me you go out together and just...hang out.

You thought about this one too and it toke you a minute but you said 'yes' which made Deku really happy after all he was you friend.

After school you and everyone else went back to the dorms and you went to your room to change into something simple yet warm since it was winter now.

When walked out your room to the comman room everyone else was there was deku waiting for you but when he saw you in that dress he blushed just litte bit

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When walked out your room to the comman room everyone else was there was deku waiting for you but when he saw you in that dress he blushed just litte bit.

Y/n: You ready?

Deku: uhhh y-y-yes I a-am.

Jiro: ohhh someone blushing like a mad man.

Deku blushed even more but because of your memory you didn't know that loved you so just thought he was just embarrassed

Y/n: umm Midoriya?

Deku: YES!!!!!

You laugh a little bit when deku faced you very cutey and you reminded him where we had to go on their 'date' or whatever Mina said it was.

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