Chapter 7: Optimus

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Megatron felt his world spin in a jagged way.

Orion is back.

And looking just as handsome as he did back then, perhaps even more so.

Megatron quickly averted his gaze, and chugged the rest of his drink down, he paid the bartender and left. He didn't look at anything or anyone, staring at the metal ground. He made it down a street, he was so deep in his thoughts he wasn't aware he was being followed.

"Don't run out on me just yet." He heard Orion speak.

He turned around to see said mech standing there, hips tilted at an angle.

Megatron clenched his jaw, "You're supposed to be dead." He said snippily.

Orion tsked, "I told you before, I am a god." He smirked, showing those shiny new fangs.

Megatron glared, "What are you doing back here anyways? You hated living in this dump."

Orion smiled evilly, "What else? You left me, abandoned me. It wasn't fair."

Megatron shot back, "You murdered my boyfriend. Ate him like he was a pack of gushers."

"He was in my way." Orion answered casually.

"I thought you coming back from the dead was supposed to humble you, not make you even more of a prick." Megatron quickly responded.

Orion laughed, "Oh wow! Since when did you grow a pair of ball bearings? After you threw my friendship away?"

Megatron shook his head, annoyed.

Orion walked up to him, closing the space between him, "Besides, everyone in the town still thinks I'm dead, so you're in the clear, Galvatron."

Megatron felt his lines run cold.

Orion seemed to notice his fear, and smirked, taking it in.

"I want to get back at you, for killing me, for denying me. For crossing. Me. Out." He did a crossing of the heart motion across his chest, where Megatron noticed a scar. It was pretty noticeable.

"I had no choice." He defended himself, Orion's red optics narrowed in anger.

"You always had a choice. You just chose that loser band geek." He snarked.

Megatron glared, "His name was Starscream."

"Whatever." Orion rolled his optics in dismissal.

"Besides, being in the Pit is not fun, it's hot, everyone's wailing for their Carriers, and most of all it's boring. And what were you doing? Playing Cybertron's Most Wanted." He crossed his arms.

Megatron felt his upper lip twitch, "I had a reason."

Orion scoffed, "Oh yeah? And what reason was that?"

Megatron answered, "To avenge you."

Orion paused, his face making a look of confusion, "What?"

Megatron nodded, "Yeah, after I stabbed you like a stuck pig, I was sent to an asylum instead of jail. Where I broke out, hitched a ride to the city, and killed that vapid singer and her stupid band."

Orion blinked, "You did all that... for me?" He soon smiled brightly, "Oh Megs you do care!"

Megatron gasped, "What? No! I did it because they committed a crime!"

Orion laughed, "Oh keep telling yourself that."

Megatron crossed his arms, he felt Orion get closer, then felt his fingers on his chin, gently cupping it.

Orion leaned in, kissing him gently, like he did back then. Megatron didn't reciprocate. Instead he pushed Orion away.

Orion glared, "Fine, wanna play that way? I can do that." He turned on his heel and began walking away.

Megatron looked, "Where are you going?" He asked.

Orion didn't stop, "To start looking for salty morsels."

Megatron shouted, "Good luck finding any without them being jailbait!"

Orion paused, then started chuckling, it soon morphed into a deep laugh, "What makes you think I'm gonna narrow on our school? That's old news. I'm broadening my horizons."

Megatron's mouth opened for a retort but Orion continued, "I'm going for everyone in this town! No one is safe! Congrats Megatronus, you signed their death warrants!"

"How can you murder bots that are married?" He soon felt a whisk of air as Orion gripped his neck by snaking a hand to the front and pulling him in, he had certainly grown last time he saw him. He felt sharp pricks dig into his metal cabling and glanced to see Orion sporting a new set of shiny claws.

"You are so lost without me," Orion purred into his audio, "You'll always need me to guide you, even when we were in the sandbox." Megatron shivered as he felt Orion's breath linger on his neck, "You forgot what I told you before. I go both ways." He then let go of his neck, his claws had drawn energon.

Megatron panted and looked at him, rubbing his neck.

Orion smirked, "You'll always be in my shadow."

Megatron growled, "You won't get away with this."

Orion chuckled, "Oh, Orion Pax won't. He can't, cause he's dead, killed by his own amica endura." He leaned into Megatron's personal space, causing the other mech to lean back.

"But Optimus Prime will."

Megatron was about to respond but Orion was already leaving. 

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